
* = Finnes i kopisamling @ = finnes tilgjengelig på internett

1. Retninger innen økonomisk geografi

*Scott, 2000: "Economic geography: the great half-century". I Clark, G. et al (ed): The Oxford Handbook in Economic geography. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Kap. 2 (26 sider)

@ Bathelt, H./ Glückler, J. (2003): "Toward a Relational Economic Geography", in Journal of Economic Geography (Vol. 3), 117-144. Tilgjengelig på internett

@ Boschma, R and Frenken, K. (2006) "Why is economic geography not an evolutionary science? Towards an evolutionary economic geography." Journal of Economic Geography, 6, 273-302. Tilgjengelig på internett

@ Yeung, H.W-C. (2005): "Rethinking relational economic geography". Transactions 30, 37-51. Tilgjengelig på internett

*Sunley, P. (2008): Relational Economic Geography: A partial understanding or a new paradigm? Economic Geography, 84, 1-26

@ Martin, R. and Sunley, P. (2007): Complexity thinking and evolutionary economic geography. Journal of Economic Geography, 7, 573-601 Tilgjengelig på internett

*Mackinnon, D. and Cumbers, A. (2007): From commercial geography to the “cultural turn”? Approaches to economic geography. In: Mackinnon, D. and Cumbers, A.: An introduction to economic geography. Chapter 2 (21-42)

*Hess, M. (2004): "’Spatial’ relationships? Towards a reconceptualization of embededness", in: Progress in Human Geography, 28, pp. 165-186.

*Martin, R. and Sunley, P. (2006): Path dependence and regional economic evolution. Journal of Economic Geography 6:395-437.

*Frenken, K., Oort van, F., Verburg, T. ( 2007): Related Variety, Unrelated Variety and Regional Economic Growth. Regional Studies 41:685-697


2. Firmaer

@ Maskell,P. 2001: "The firm in economic geography". Economic Geography 77, 4, 329-344. Tilgjengelig på internett

@ Dicken, P. and Malmberg, A. (2001): "Firms in Territories: a Relational Perspective". Economic Geography 77: 345-363 Tilgjengelig på internett

*Dicken, P. (2003): "Placing firms: grounding the debate on the “global” corporation", i Peck, J. og Wai-chung Yeung, H. (red.): Remaking the Global Economy. Sage, London. (27-44).

@ *Markusen, A. (1994): "Studying Regions by Studying Firms". The Professional Geographer. Volume 46 Issue 4 Page 477-490 Tilgjengelig på internett

*Sæther. B. (2004): "From National to Global Agenda: The Expansion of Norske Skog 1962-2003", i Lehtinen, A et al (red.): Politics of forests. Northern Forest-Industrial Regimes in the Age of Globalization. Ashgate, Aldershot, side 233-251

81 s.

3. Klynger og innovasjonssystemer

*Bathelt, H. (2003): "Geographies of Production: Growth Regimes in Spatial Perspective 1 - Innovation, Institutions and Social Systems", in Progress in Human Geography (Vol. 27) pp. 763-778.

*Bathelt, H. (2005): "Geographies of production: growth regimes in spatial perspective (II) – knowledge creation and growth in clusters". Progress in Human Geography 29, 204-216.

*Asheim, B. T. & Isaksen, A. (2000): "Localised knowledge, interactive learning and innovation: Between regional networks and global corporations", i Taylor, M. & Vatne E. (red): The Networked Firm in a Global World. Ashgate, Aldershot, 163-198.

*Cooke, P. (2004): "Introduction", in Cooke, P., M. Heidenreich, H-J. Braczyk (eds.): Regional Innovation Systems: The Role of Governances in a Globalized World. London, New York: Routledge, 1-18.

*Asheim, B.T. 2006: "The rise of the cluster concept in regional analysis and policy: a critical assessment". I Asheim, B.T. mfl. (ed.): Clusters and Regional Development. Critical reflections and explorations. Oxon, Routledge. 29 sider

*Enright, M. (2003): "Regional clusters: what we know and what we should know", in: J. Bröcker, D. Dohse and R. Soltwedel (Eds): Innovation Clusters and Interregional Competition, pp. 99–129. Berlin: Springer.

@ Isaksen, A. (2004): "Knowledge-based clusters and urban location: the clustering of software consultancy in Oslo". Urban Studies, vol. 41, 5-6, pp. 1157-1174. Tilgjengelig på internett

*Isaksen, A. 2003: "«Lock-in» of Regional Clusters: The Case of Offshore Engineering in the Oslo region". I Fornahl, D. og T. Brenner (eds): Cooperation, Networks and Institutions in Regional Innovation Systems. Edward Elgar, 2003 (247-273).

@ Hassink, R. (2005): "How to Unlock Regional Economies from Path Dependency? From Learning Region to Learning Cluster". European Planning Studies 13, 521-535. Tilgjengelig på internett

@ Hassink, R. & Shin, D-H. (2005): "Guest editorial: the restructuring of old industrial areas in Europe an Asia". Environment and Planning A, 37, 571-580. Tilgjengelig på internett

@ Chapman, K. MacKinnon, D. and Cumbers, A. (2004): "Adjustment or renewal in regional clusters? A study of diversification amongst SMEs in the Aberdeen oil complex". Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers: 29, 382-396 . Tilgjengelig på internett 218s.

4. Rural utvikling

*Morgan 2006, K. 2006: "Networks, Conventions and Regions: Theorizing ‘Worlds of Food’". I Morgan et. al Worlds of food. Place, Power and Provenance in the Food Chain. Oxford, Oxford Geographical and Environmental Studies. Kapittel 1, 25 sider.

@ Dale, B. (2002): "An institutionalist approach to local restructuring". European Urban and Regional Studies, Band 9, Heft 1: 5 -20. Tilgjengelig på internett

@ Fløysand, A. and Sjøholt, P. (2007): Rural development and embeddedness: The importance of human relations for industrial restructuring in rural areas. Sociologia Ruralis, 47, 205-227 Tilgjengelig på internett

*Fløysand, A. and Jakobsen, S-E. (2002): Clusters, social fields and capabilities: Rules and restructuring in Norwegian fish processing clusters. International Studies in Management and Organisation, 31, 35-55.

*Ferräo, J. and Lopes, R. 2004: "Understanding Peripheral Rural areas as Contexts for Economic Development". In Labrianidis, L. (ed.): The future of Europe’s Rural Peripheries. Aldershot, Ashgate. pp31-61

*Hayter, R, Barnes, T and Bradshaw, M.J. 2003: "Relocating resource peripheries to the core of economic geography’s theorizing: rationale and agenda". Area, 35, 15-23.

@ Marsden, T, Banks, J. and Bristow, G. 2002: "The social management of rural nature: understanding agrarian-based rural development". Environment and Planning A, 34, 809-825. Tilgjengelig på internett


5. Kultur økonomi og kreative næringer

*Amin, A. and Thrift, N. (2007): Cultural-economy and cities. Progress in Human Geography, 31, 143-161

*Power, D. and Hallencreutz, D. (2007): Competitiveness, local production system and global commodity chains in the music industry: Entering the US market. Regional Studies, 41, 377-389

*Jakobsen, S-E, Fløysand, A. and Gammelsæter, H. (2008): "Globalisation and local flavour in business organisations. The case of Norwegian elite football clubs". In: Tamasy, C. and Taylor, M. (eds): Globalising worlds and new economic configurations. Ashgate. pp 232-243


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Published Oct. 23, 2008 6:13 PM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2008 9:56 AM