

*Asheim, B.T. (2000) "Industrial districts: The contribution of Marshall and beyond". I: Clark, et al (eds): The Oxford handbook of Economic Geography. Oxford University Press. s.413-431. 18s.

@Belussi, F. og Sedita, S.R. (2009): "Life Cycle vs. Multiple Path Dependency in Industrial Districts". European Planning Studies, Volume 17, Issue 4 April 2009 , pages 505 – 528. 23s Tilgjengelig online

*Lazerson, M.H. og Lorenzoni, G. (2005): "The firms that feed industrial districts: a return to the Italia source". I: Breschi, S. og Malerba, F. (eds): Clusters, network and innovation. Oxford University Press. s. 169-192, 23s

@Martin, R. and Sunley, P. (2006): "Path dependence and regional economic evolution". Journal of Economic Geography 6:395-437. 42s Tilgjengelig online

@Boschma, R. (2004): "Competitiveness of Regions from an Evolutionary Perspective". Regional Studies, Vol. 38.9, pp. 1001–1014, December 2004. 13s. Tilgjengelig online

*Fløysand, A. and Jakobsen, S-E. (2010): The complexity of innovation: a relational turn. Manuscript. 30s.

149 s.

2. Sentrale begreper

*Cloke, P, Marsden, T. og P. H. Mooney. (2006): Handbook of Rural Studies. Sage. London. Kap.2 Conceptualizing ruraliy (11s), Kap.4 Rural space (19s), Kap.9 Idyllic ruralities (16s), Kap.12 Networking rurality(12 s), Kap.17 Commodification: re-resourcing rural areas (15s). Totalt 73 s.

*Woods, M. (2005): Rural geography. Sage London. Kap.1 Defining the rural, Kap. 2 Understanding the rural, s.3-26. 23 s.

@Ward, N. og Brown, D.L. (2008): "Placing the rural in regional development". Regional Studies, 43.(10), 1237-1244. 7s. Tilgjengelig online

@Gertler. M.s. (2003): "Tacit knowledge and the economic geography of context, or The undefinable tacitness of being (there)". Journal of Economic Geography, 3 issue 1,75-99, 24s. Tilgjengelig online

@Lorentzen, A. (2008): "Knowledge networks in local and global space". Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 20, Nov., 533–545, 12s. Tilgjengelig online

139 s.

3. Utviklingstrekk i næringer og systemer

Regionale og nasjonale innovasjonssystemer:

*Wicken, O. (2009). "The Layers of National Innovation Systems: The Historical Evolution of a National Innovation System in Norway". I Fagerberg, J. et al.(red): Innovation, Path Dependency and Policy. The Norwegian Case. Oxford University Press. (Side 33-60). 27s.

*Fagerberg, J. et al. (2009). "The evolution of Norway’s national innovation system". Science and Public Policy, 36, 431-444. 13s.

@Doloreux, D. and Dionne, S. (2008): "Is regional innovation system development possible in peripheral regions? Some evidence from the case of La Pocatière, Canada". Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 20, May, 259–283. 24s. Tilgjengelig online

*Isaksen, A., Karlsen, A. og Sæther, B. (2008): "Innovasjoner i norsk kontekst". I: Isaksen, A., Karlsen, A. og Sæther, B. (red): Innovasjoner i norske næringer – et geografisk perspektiv. Fagbokforlaget. s.313-332. 19s.

*Onsager, K. (2010): "Regionale fortrinn og innovasjon i Norge". Plan 01:2010, s.26-33. 7s.

Ressurbaserte næringer og økonomier:

*Von Tunzelmann, N. and Acha, V. (2005). "Innovation in “Low-Tech” industries". I Fagerberg, J. et al. (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford University Press, 407-432. 25 s.

*Smith, K. (2007). "Innovasjon og vekst i ressursbaserte økonomier". I Hanson, J. og Wicken, O. (red.) Rik på natur. Innovasjon i en ressursbasert kunnskapsøkonomi. Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, s. 11-24. 13s

@Mehlum, H. et al. (2006) "Cursed by Resources or Institutions?" The World Economy, 1117-1131. 14s. Tilgjengelig online

@L. Cheshire (2010): "A corporate responsibility? The constitution of fly-in, fly-out mining companies as governance partners in remote, mine-affected localities". Journal of rural studies, 26, 12-20. 8s. Tilgjengelig online

@Hayter, R, Barnes, T and Bradshaw, M.J. 2003: "Relocating resource peripheries to the core of economic geography’s theorizing: rationale and agenda". Area, 35, 15-23. 8s. Tilgjengelig online

@Evans, N. (2009). "Adjustment strategies revisited: Agricultural change in the Welsh Marches". Journal of Rural Studies. 25, 217-230. 13 s. Tilgjengelig online

@Rye, J.F og Andrzejewska, J. (2009). "The structural disempowerment of Eastern European migrant farm workers in Norwegian agriculture". Journal of Rural Studies, 25, 1-11. 10s. Tilgjengelig online

*Morgan 2006, K. 2006: “Networks, Conventions and Regions: Theorizing ‘Worlds of Food’”. I: Morgan et. Al (ed): Worlds of food. Place, Power and Provenance in the Food Chain. Oxford, Oxford Geographical and Environmental Studies. Kap 1, 25 sider.

@Marsden, T, Banks, J. and Bristow, G. 2002: "The social management of rural nature: understanding agrarian-based rural development". Environment and Planning A, 34, 809-825. 16s. Tilgjengelig online


Restrukturering av steder og regioner:

@B.Andreosso-O’Callaghan og H. Lenihan (2008): "Networking: a question of firm characteristics? The case of the Shannon region in Ireland". Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 20, nov, 561–580. 19s. Tilgjengelig online

@M. D. Parrilli (2009): "Collective efficiency, policy inducement and social embeddedness: Drivers for the development of industrial districts". Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 21, No. 1, Jan, 1–24. 23s. Tilgjengelig online

@Fløysand, A. and Sjøholt, P. (2007): "Rural development and embeddedness: The importance of human relations for industrial restructuring in rural areas". Sociologia Ruralis, 47, 205-227. 22s. Tilgjengelig online

@Dale, B. (2002): "An institutionalist approach to local restructuring". European Urban and Regional Studies, 9, 5 -20. 15s. Tilgjengelig online

@Fløysand, A. og Jakobsen, S-E. (2007): "Commodification of rural places: a narrative of social fields, rural development, and football". Journal of Rural Studies, 23, s. 206-221. 15 s. Tilgjengelig online

@Jane Atterton (2007): "The 'Strength of Weak Ties': Social Networking by Business Owners in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland". Sociological ruralis, 47, 228-245. 17s. Tilgjengelig online

@Phillipson, J., Gorton,M., and Laschewski, L. (2006): "Local business co-operation and the dilemmas of collective action: Rural micro business network in the North of England". Sociologia Ruralis, 46, 40-60. 20s. Tilgjengelig online

*Karlsen, A. (2008): "Generasjon av metaller produsert på norske industristeder". I: Isaksen, A., Karlsen, A. og Sæther, B. (red): Innovasjoner i norske næringer – et geografisk perspektiv. Fagbokforlaget. s. 121-142. 21s.

@Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2010): "The creative countryside: Policy and practice in the UK rural cultural economy". Journal of Rural Studies 2010 (in press) 1-10. 10s. Tilgjengelig online


4. Politikk og virkemidler for rural innovasjon

@Sæther, B. (2010): "Agricultural extension services and rural innovation in inner Scandinavia". Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 64, 1-8. 7s. Tilgjengelig online

*Jakobsen, S-E. et al (2010): Theory Meets Reality: The Regional Implementation of a National Innovation Programme. Manuscript. 30s.

@Cruickshank, J.A. (2009): "A play for rurality – modernization versus local autonomy". Journal of Rural Studies, 25, 98–107. 9s.Tilgjengelig online

@Berglund, K. og A.W. Johansson (2007): "Entrepreneurship, discourses and conscientization in processes of regional development". Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 19, Nov, 499–525, 26s. Tilgjengelig online

@Tödtling, F. og Trippl, M. (2005): "One size fits all? Towards a differentiated regional innovation policy approach". Research Policy, 34, 1203–1219. 16s. Tilgjengelig online


Totalt: 761 s.

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Publisert 10. mai 2010 17:16 - Sist endret 11. mai 2010 13:22