SOS4001 - Pensum/læringskrav


* = i kompendium

@ = tilgjengelig på internett


Joas, Hans og Wolfgang Knöbl (2009): Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lessons. Kap. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, X, XII (+ s. 355-64), XV og XVIII.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (279 sider)

Lukes, Steven (2004): Power: A Radical View. S. 14-59. 2nd revised edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (45 sider)


I kompendier:

* Bauman, Zygmunt (2000): “Foreword: On Being Light and Liquid”. S. 1-15 i Liquid Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press. (15 sider)

* Bauman, Zygmunt (1997): “Tourists and Vagabonds: the Heroes and Victims of Postmodernity”. S. 83-94 i Postmodernity and its Discontents. Cambridge: Polity Press. (9 sider)

* Beck, Ulrich (2009): “A Life of Ones's Own in a Runaway World”, S. 22-29 i Ulrich Beck og Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim Individualization. London: Sage. (8 sider)

* Beck, Ulrich (2009): “Beyond Status and Class?” S. 30-41 i Ulrich Beck og Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim Individualization. London: Sage. (11 sider)

* Elster, Jon (1989): “Unintended Consequences”, Kap. X i Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (10 sider)

* Elster, Jon (1989): “Collective Action”, Kap. XIII i Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (10 sider)

* Engelstad, Fredrik (2003): “Hegemoni – makt, dominans og kultur”. S. 307-323 i G. Liestøl, B. Skov, O. Solum, red., Mellom mediene. Oslo: UniPub. (23 sider)

* Foucault, Michel (1982): “The Subject and Power” i Hubert L. Dreyfus og Paul Rabinow: Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf. (18 sider)

* Giddens, Anthony (1991): “The Emergence of Life Politics”. S. 209-231 og noter s. 240-241, i Modernity and Self-Identity. Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Cambridge: Polity Press. (24 sider)

* Goffman, Erving (1981): “Footing”. Kap. 3 i Forms of Talk. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (36 sider)

* Habermas, Jürgen (1984): “Rationality” – A Preliminary Specification”, s. 8-23 i The Theory of Communicative Action (Volume One). Boston: Beacon Press. (15s)

* Habermas, Jürgen (1984): “The Problem of Understanding Meaning in the Social Sciences”, s. 107-117 i The Theory of Communicative Action (Volume One) ). Boston: Beacon Press.  (10s)

* Habermas, Jürgen(1999): “Det sivile samfunn og rettsstaten”, i Kraften i de bedre argumenter, (s. 65–78). Oslo: Ad notam Gyldendal. (13 sider)

* Hedström, Peter og Peter Bearman (2011): “What is Analytical Sociology All About? An Introductory Essay”.  I Handbook of Analytical Sociology, side 3-24.  Oxford: Oxford University Press. (21 sider).

* Kalleberg, Ragnvald (2009): “Can normative disputes be settled rationally? On Sociology as a normative discipline.” In Cherkaoui, M. and Hamilton, P. eds. Raymond Boudon. A Life in Sociology. Oxford, UK: The Bardwell Press. Vol. 2, s.  251-269.  (19 sider)

* Merton, Robert (1968): "Science and Democratic Social Structure". Kap XVIII i Social Theory and Social Structure. New York: The Free Press. (11 sider)

* Merton, Robert (1996): “Paradigm for a Structural Analysis in Sociology”. Kap. 9 i Robert K. Merton On Social structure and science. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. (9 sider)

* Pawson, Ray (2000): “Middle-range realism” i Archives Europeennes de Sociologie, vol. 41 (2), s. 283-325. (42 sider)

* Scott, Joan (1992): “Experience”, Kap. 2 i Joan Scott & Judith Butler, (eds.): Feminists Theorize the Political. London: Routledge. (18 sider)

* Searle, John (1995): “Creating Institutional Facts”. Kap. 2 i The Construction of Social Reality. New York: The Free Press. (20 sider)

* Smith, Dorothy (2005): “Experience as Dialogue and Data”. Kap. 6 i Institutional Ethnography: A Sociology for People. Lanham, Md.: AtaMira. (22 sider)

* Smith, Dorothy (2005): “Knowing the Social”. Kap. 2 i Institutional Ethnography: A Sociology for People. Lanham, Md.: AtaMira. (19 sider)



@ Boudon, Raymond (2003), “Beyond Rational Choice Theory”, Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 29, s. 1-21. (20 sider)

@ Breen, Richard (2005): “Foundations of a neo-Weberian class analysis”, kap. 2 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (20 sider)

@ Dahl, Robert A. (1957): “The Concept of Power”, s. 201-15 i Behavorial Science, 2:3 (1957:July)  (14 sider)

@ Davies, Bronwyn & Rom Harré (1990): “Positioning. The Discursive Production of Selves”. S. 43-63 i Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 20 (1). (16 sider)

@ Dowding, Keith (2006): “Three-Dimensional Power: A Discussion of Steven Lukes’ Power: A Radical View”. S. 136-145 i Political Studies Review, vol. 4. (10 sider)

@ Hacking, Ian (1997): “Searle, reality and the social”, s. 83-92 i History and the Human Sciences, vol. 10 No. 4. (9 sider)

@ Hacking, Ian (2002): “Inaugural lecture: Chair of Philosophy and History of Scientific Concepts at the Collège de France, 16 January 2001”, i Economy and Society, vol 31 (1). (13 sider)

@ Hart, Randle J. og Andrew McKinnon (2010): “Sociological Epistemology: Durkheim´s Paradox and Dorothy E. Smith´s Actuality”, s. 1038-1054 i Sociology, vol 44(6). (16 sider)

@ Kalleberg, Ragnvald (2013): “Scholarly texts’ influence on the 2004 revision of the Norwegian Constitution’s Article 100”. Kommer i K. Gammelgaard, E. Holmøyvik, M. Ringvej eds. (2013), Textualizing Democracy. On the Norwegian Constitution 1814-2014.  (29 sider)

@ Mjøset, Lars (2007): “Om teori på høyt og lavere nivå”, s. 333-375 i Johs. Hjellbrekke, Ole J. Olsen & Rune Sakslind (red.), Arbeid, kunnskap og sosial ulikhet. Festskrift til Olav Korsnes. Oslo: Unipub. (25 sider)

@ Searle, John R. (1997): “Replies To Critics of the Construction of Social Reality”, s.103-110 i History and the Human Sciences, vol. 10 No. 4. (7 sider)

@ Weininger, Elliot B. (2005): “Foundations of Pierre Bourdieu’s class analysis”. Kap. 4 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (36 sider)

@ Wright, Erik Olin (2005): “Conclusion: If ‘class’ is the answer, what is the question?”. S. 180-192 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (12 sider)

@ Wright, Erik Olin (2005): “Foundations of a neo-Marxist class analysis”. Kap. 1 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (26 sider)


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Publisert 11. mai 2013 13:33 - Sist endret 16. okt. 2013 15:57