SOS4012 - Pensum/læringskrav

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Generell bok

Ahrne, Göran (1994) Social organizations. Interactions inside, outside, and between organizations, kap 1-5 (113 sider)

1. Hva er organisasjonssosiologi?

Ahrne, kap 1-3.

@Scott, W. Richard (2004), ”Reflections on a Half-Century of Organizational Sociology”. Annual Review of Sociology, 30:1-21. (21 sider)

@Daft, Richard og Karl Weick (1984), “Toward a Model of Organizations as Interpretation Systems”. Academy of Management Review, 9:284-295.(12 sider)

2. Grunnelementer i organisasjonsteori

Ahrne, kap 5

*Williamson, Oliver (1975), “Peer Groups and Simple Hierarchies.” I Markets and Hierarchies. New York: The Free Press, s. 41-56. (16 sider)

*March, James og Johan P. Olsen, red. (1976), “People, Problems, Solutions and the Ambiguity of Relevance.” I Ambiguity and Choice in Organizations. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 24-37. (14 sider)

@Petersen, Trond (1993), ”Recent developments in the economics of organization: principal-agent relationships.” Acta Sociologica, 36:277-293. (17 sider)

*Mintzberg, Henry (1991): “The Structuring of Organizations”. I Henry Mintzberg & James B. Quinn (red.): The Strategy Process. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall (20 sider).

3. Bedrifter som arbeidsorganisasjoner

 *Engelstad, Fredrik m.fl. (2003), “Medbestemmelse og autonomi” I Fredrik Engelstad, Jørgen Svalund, Inger Marie Hagen, Aagoth Storvik, Makt og demokrati I arbeidslivet. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, s. 32-52. (20 sider)

*Kanter, Rosabeth (1977), “Contributions to Theory: Structural Determinants of Behavior in Organizations”. I Men and Women of the Corporation. New York: Basic Books, s. 245-264. (20 sider).

*Kalleberg, Ragnvald (1983), “Arbeidsmiljøreform som deltakerdemokratisering”. I Trond Bergh, red., Deltakerdemokratiet. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 150-180 (31 sider).

*Engelstad, Fredrik (2012) “Limits to state intervention into the private sector economy”. Comparative Social Research, 29:235-265. (30 sider).

4. Byråkratier og offentlig sektor

*March, James og Johan P. Olsen (1989) “Rules and the Institutionalization of Action” og “Interpretation and the Institutionalization of Meaning.” I Rediscovering Institutions. The Organizational Basis of Politics. New York: The Free Press, s. 21- 52. (32 sider)

*Lipsky, Michael (1980), Street Level Bureaucracy. New York: Russel Sage, kap. 1 og 2, s. 3-25. (23 sider)

*Weber, Max (1971), «Byråkrati. I Makt og byråkrati. Oslo: Gyldendal, s. 105-136. (32 sider)

*Du Gay, Paul (2000), «Separate and Distinct Personae: Bureaucrats and Politicians”. I  In Praise of Bureaucracy, London: Sage, s. 114-135. (22 sider)

5. Frivillige organisasjoner

*Anheier, Helmut (2005), ”Theoretical Approaches”. I Non-profit Organizations. Theory, Management, Policy. London: Routledge, s. 113-138. (25 sider)

@Schmitter, Philippe C. (1983), “Democratic Theory and Neocorporatist Practice”, Social Research, 50: 885-928 (44 sider).


6. Sosiale bevegelser

@Seippel, Ørnulf (2003), “Sosiale bevegelser: Innføring, oversikt, utfordringer”. Sosiologisk tidsskrift, 11:181-202. (22 sider)

*Tarrow, Sidney (1988), ”Framing Contention” I Power in movement, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 106-122. (17 sider)

*Smith, Jackie (2005), ”Globalization and Transnational Social Movement Organizations”. I G. Davis, Doug McAdam, Richard Scott, Mayer Zald, red., Social Movements and Organization Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 226-248. (23 sider)

* McAdam, Doug og Richard Scott (2005), “Organizations and Movements“. I G. Davis, Doug McAdam, Richard Scott, Mayer Zald, red., Social Movements and Organization Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 4-41. (38 sider)


7. Ledelse

* Kanter, Rosabeth Moss (1977), ”Managers”. I Men and Women of the Corporation. New York: Basic Books, s. 47-68. (22 sider)

* Sørhaug, Tian (1996), «Det personliges sosiologi: organisering, makt og magi». I Om ledelse. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 45-69. (25 sider)

* Alvesson, Mats og Yvonne Due Billing (2009) ”Women in management”. I Understanding Gender and Organization, s. 143-163. (20 sider)


8. Organisasjoner i kontekst: politikk og marked

Ahrne, kap 4.

* Davis, Gerald F. (2005), “Firms and environments”. I Smelser, N.J. og R. Swedberg, red., The Handbook of Economic Sociology. 2nd ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, s. 478-502. (25 sider)

* Dobbin, Frank (1994), ”Why the Economy Reflects the Polity: Early Rail Policy in Britain, France, and the United States”. I Mark Granovetter og Richard Swedberg, red., The Sociology of Economic Life. Boulder: Westview, s. 401-424. (24 sider)

* Fligstein, Neil (2001), The Architecture of Markets. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. Kapittel 2 og 3, s. 27-66. (40 sider)

9. Organisasjoner og institusjoner

@DiMaggio, Paul og Walter Powell (1983), "The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizations". American Sociological Review, 48:147-160. (14 sider)

@Meyer, John W. og Brian Rowan, “Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony.” American Journal of Sociology, 83:340-363. (24 sider)

*Hall, P. & Soskice, D. (2001), “An Introduction to Varieties of Capitalism.” I P. Hall & D. Soskice, (red.), Varieties of Capitalism. s. 1-68. (68 sider).

*Thelen, Kathleen (2011), “Beyond Comparative Statics: Historical Institutional Approaches to Stability and Change in the Political Economy of Labor”. I Glenn Morgan, John Campbell, Colin Crouch and Ove Kaj Pedersen, red., The Oxford  Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 41-62 (22 sider).

10. Organisasjonseliter og sosial struktur

*Higley, John og Michael Burton, “Elites and Regimes”. I Elite Foundations of liberal Democracy.  Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, s. 1-32. (32 sider)

@Engelstad, Fredrik (2010), "Democratic Elitism – Conflict and Consensus”. I H. Best og J. Higley, red., Democratic Elitism: New Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. S. 61-78. (17 sider)

*Gulbrandsen, Trygve og Ursula Hoffmann-Lange (2007), "Consensus or Polarization? Business and Labor Elites in Germany and Norway". Comparative Social Research, 23:103-135. (32 sider).

Til sammen 937 sider

Publisert 30. mai 2014 10:00 - Sist endret 4. nov. 2014 15:06