
Pensumbidrag merket med * finnes i kompendium

*Brochmann, Grete (2002): "Citizenship and inclusion in western European welfare states". In Lavenex, S. and E.M. Ucarer (eds): Externalities of integration: The wider impact of the developing EU migration regime. Lexington Books 2002. (30 s.)

* Castles Stephen, Heather Booth, Tina Wallace (1984): "The formation of ethnic minorities" i Here for good: Western Europe's new ethnic minorities. London. Plutto Press. Kap. 4. Side 96-125 (30 s.)

*Castles, Stephen (1994), "Democracy and Multicultural Citizenship. Australian Debates and their Relevance for Western Europe". In Baubock, R.(ed.): From Aliens to Citizens: Redefining the Status of Immigrants in Europe. Brookfield USA: Avebury. Chapter 1, s. 3-29 (26 s.)

*Daly, Mary and Jane Lewis, "Introduction: Conceptualising Social Care in the Context of Welfare State Restructuring". In Lewis, J. (ed): Gender, Social Care and Welfare State Restructuring. Ashgate: Aldershot. (24 s.)

* Ellingssæter, A.L. (2000): "Welfare states, labour markets and gender relations in transition" i Boye, T.P. and Leira, A. (eds):Gender. Welfare state and the Market: Towards a new division of labour. (Side 89 -110). (22 s.)

*Esping-Andersen, Gõsta (1990): The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Introduction (s. 1-5), Ch. 1, s. 9-34, Cambridge: Polity Press. (34 s.)

*Esping-Andersen, Gõsta (2002): Why we need a Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ch 1, "Towards the Good Society Once Again". (25 s).

*Joppke, Christian and Steven Lukes (1999) (eds): Multicultural questions. "Introduction", pp 1-27. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (26 s.)

*Kymlicka, Will and Wayne Norman (2000): Citizenship in Diverse Societies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. "Introduction", (ca. 40 s.)

*Leira, Arnlaug and Saraceno, Chiara (2002): "Care: Actors, Relationships, Contexts". In: Hobson,B., Lewis, J., Siim, B. : Contested Concepts in Gender and Social Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (25 s.)

Leira, Arnlaug (2002): "Working Parents and the Welfare State" Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, chs. 1,2,6 . (Ca 60 s.)

*Lewis, Jane (2002), "Gender and welfare state change". European Soiceties vol.4, no. 4 pp. 331-358 (27 s.)

*Marshall, T.H. (1965), "Citizen and Social Class". In Marshall T.H. : Class Citizenship and Social Development. New York: Anchor Books. (63s.) (Finnes også i Marshall, T.H. & Bottomore, Tom (1992): Citizenship and Social Class. London: Pluto Press).

*Mjøset, Lars, (1992): "The Nordic Model never existed, but does it have a future?" Scandinavian Studies, Fall, pp 652-671 (20 s.)

*Orloff, Ann S.(1996), "Gender in the Welfare State", Ann. Rev. Soc. 22: 51-78. (27 s.)

*Ramsøy, Natalie & Lise Kjølsrød (1986): “Velferdsstatens yrker” i Aldén, Ramsøy & Vaa (red): Det norske samfunn. Oslo: Gyldendal norsk forlag. (22 s.)

*Saraceno, Chiara (1997): "Family Change, Family Policies and the Restructuring of Welfare". In: Family, Markets and Community. Paris: OECD, s. 81- 100, (19 s.)

*Taylor-Gooby, P (1991): "Welfare State Regimes and Welfare Citizenship". Journal of European Social Policy, 1 (2) 93-105. (12 s.)

*Wærness, Kari (1998): "The Changing 'Welfare Mix' in Childcare and Care for the Elderly". In Lewis, J. (ed), Gender, Social Care and Welfare State Restructuring. Ashgate: Aldershot, s. 207- 228 (21 s.)

*Østerberg, Dag (1990): "Individets rettigheter og den sosiale organisasjon". I: Anne Marie Berg (red.): Nordisk arbeidslivspolitikk - hinder eller konkurransefortrinn? Oslo: AFI-rapport 8/90. (22 s.)

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Publisert 21. apr. 2005 14:38 - Sist endret 5. juli 2005 12:12