
Pensumbidrag merket med * finnes i kompendium

@ Anttonen, A. og J. Sipilä (1996) "European social care services: Is it possible to identify models?" Journal of European Social Policy 6: 87-100, 13 s. Fulltekst

*Brochmann, Grete (2002): "Citizenship and inclusion in western European welfare states". In Lavenex, S. and E.M. Ucarer (eds): Externalities of integration: The wider impact of the developing EU migration regime. Lexington Books 2002. (30 s.)

*Castles Stephen, Heather Booth, Tina Wallace (1984): "The formation of ethnic minorities" i Here for good: Western Europe's new ethnic minorities. London. Plutto Press. Kap. 4. Side 96-125 (30 s.)

*Castles, Stephen (1994), "Democracy and Multicultural Citizenship. Australian Debates and their Relevance for Western Europe". In Baubock, R.(ed.): From Aliens to Citizens: Redefining the Status of Immigrants in Europe. Brookfield USA: Avebury. Chapter 1, s. 3-29 (26 s.)

@ Daly, M. (2005) "Changing family life in Europe: Significance for state and society". European Societies 7:379-398, 19 s. Fulltekst

@ Ellingsæter, A.L. (2007) ” ’Old’ and ’new’ politics of time to care: three Norwegian reforms” Journal of European Social Policy 17; 49, 12 s. Fulltekst

*Ellingsæter, A.L. (2006) "Nordiske permisjoner for foreldre - et columbi egg?" Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, ca. 20 s.

Ellingsæter, A.L. og A. Leira (2004) Innledning: "Velferdsstaten og familien". I: A.L. Ellingsæter og A. Leira (red.) Velferdsstaten og familien. Utfordringer og dilemma. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, ss. 13-38, 25 s.

*Esping-Andersen, Gõsta (1990): The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Introduction (s. 1-5), Ch. 1, s. 9-34, Cambridge: Polity Press. (34 s.)

*Esping-Andersen, G. (2000) A welfare state for the 21 century. Ageing societies, knowledge-based economies and the sustainability of European welfare states. Revised report to the Portuguese presidency of the European Union, prepared for the Lisbon summit, March 2000, s.1-39, 38 s.

@ Fraser, N. (1995) "From Redistribution to Recognition? Dilemmas of Justice in a ‘Post-Socialist’ Age". New Left Review 212: 68-93, 25 s. Fulltekst i HTML Fulltekst i PDF

@ Fraser, N. (2000) ‘Rethinking Recognition’, New Left Review, (N3): 107–120, 13 s. Fulltekst

@ Holmwood, J. (2000) "Three Pillars of Welfare State Theory. T.H. Marshall, Karl Polanyi and Alva Myrdal in Defence of the National Welfare State". European Journal of Social Theory 3:23-50, 27 s. Fulltekst

*Joppke, Christian and Steven Lukes (1999) (eds): Multicultural questions. "Introduction", pp 1-27. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (26 s.)

*Kangas, O. og J. Palme (2005) Coming Late – Catching Up: The formation of a Nordic Model. In: O. Kangas and J. Palme (eds) Social policy and economic development in the Nordic countries. Houndsmills, Basinstoke: Palgrave, pp. 17-59, 43 s.

*Kymlicka, Will and Wayne Norman (2000): Citizenship in Diverse Societies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. "Introduction", (ca. 40 s.)

*Leira, Arnlaug and Saraceno, Chiara (2002): "Care: Actors, Relationships, Contexts". In: Hobson,B., Lewis, J., Siim, B. : Contested Concepts in Gender and Social Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (25 s.)

Leira, Arnlaug (2002): "Working Parents and the Welfare State" Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 1-44, 132-156, 67 p.

*Marshall, T.H. (1965/1992), "Citizenship and Social Class". I: T.H. Marshall og T. Bottomore red.) Citizenship and Social Class. London: Pluto Press, ss. 3-51, 48 s.

Skrede, K. (2004) "Familiepolitikkens grense - ved “likestilling light”?" I: A.L. Ellingsæter og A. Leira (red.) Velferdsstaten og familien. Utfordringer og dilemma. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, ss. 160-200, 40 s.

@ Taylor-Gooby, P. (2002) The Silver Age of the Welfare State: Perspectives on Resilience. Journal of Social Policy 31(4): 597-621, 24 s. Tidsskriftsnr i fulltekst

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Publisert 23. okt. 2008 18:19 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2008 10:42