Syllabus/achievement requirements Spring 2019

1. Constructing data through interviews (Per Gunnar Røe)

Elwood, S. A. and D. G. Martin (2000). “Placing” Interviews: Location and Scales of Power. Professional Geographer 52(4): 649-657. (10)

Evans, J. and Jones, P. (2011). The walking interview: methodology, mobility and place. Applied Geography 3: 849-858. (10)

Hammersley, Martyn (2014). On the ethics of interviewing for discourse analysis. Qualitative Research 14 (5): 529–41. (13)

Irvine, A.; drew, P. and Sainsbury, R. (2012). ‘Am I not answering your questions properly?’ Clarification, adequacy and responsiveness in semi-structured telephone and face-to-face interviews. Qualitative Research, 13(1): 87-106. (20)

Jacobsson, Katarina & Åkerström, Malin (2013). Interviewees with an agenda: learning from a ‘failed’ interview. Qualitative Research 13 (6): 717–734. (18)

O’Reilly, M. and Parker, N. (2012). ‘Unsatisfactory saturation’: a critical exploration of the notion of saturated sample sizes in qualitative research. Qualitative Research 13(2): 190-197. (8)

Røe, Per Gunnar (2000). Qualitative research on intra-urban travel: an alternative approach. Journal of Transport Geography.  ISSN 0966-6923.  8, s 99- 106. (8)


2Grounded Theory - brief history and application (Lars Mjøset)

Glaser, Barney G. & Anselm L. Strauss 1967. The Discovery of Grounded Theory. Strategies for Qualitative Research. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 21-158. (137) Les gjerne hele boka!/Preferably read the whole book!

Ragin, Charles C. 1987. The Comparative Method. Berkeley: University of California Press. Ch 2 ”Heterogeneity and Causal Complexity”, 19-33. (15)

Ragin, Charles C. 1992. ”Casing” and the process of social inquiry,  i Ragin, Charles C. & Howard S. Becker, What is a case? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 217-226. (10)

Blumer, Herbert 1954. What is Wrong with Social Theory? I Herbert Blumer, Symbolic Interactionism, Perspective and Method. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969 edition, 140-152. (12)

Mjøset, Lars 2010. En makrokvalitativ studie av militær rekruttering, i Dag Album, Marianne Nordli Hansen og Karin Widerberg, red. Metodene våre. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2010, s. 47-65. (18)

[Alternative text in English]

Mjøset, Lars 2006. “A case-study of a case-study. Strategies of generalization and specification in the study of Israel as a single case.” International Sociology, 21(5): 735-766. (31)


3. Ethnography, included multi-sited ethnography (Marta Bivand Erdal)

Basher, B., Toivanen, M. (2018) Politicized and depoliticized ethnicities,
power relations and temporality: insights to outsider research from comparative and transnational fieldwork
, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41:11, 2067-2084

Boccagni, P. (2016). From the multi-sited to the in-between: ethnography as a way of delving into migrants’ transnational relationshipsInternational journal of social research methodology19(1), 1-16.

Carling, J., Erdal, M. B., & Ezzati, R. (2014). Beyond the insider–outsider divide in migration research. Migration Studies2(1), 36-54. 

Faist, T. (2012). Toward a transnational methodology: methods to address methodological nationalism, essentialism, and positionality. Revue européenne des migrations internationales28(1), 51-70. 

Hitchings, R., & Latham, A. (2019). Qualitative methods II: On the presentation of ‘geographical ethnography’. Progress in Human Geography, DOI: 0309132519879986. 

Hage, G. 2005. A not so multi-sited ethnography of a not so imagined community. Anthropological Theory 5 (4):463-475.

Khosravi, S. (2018). Afterword. Experiences and stories along the wayGeoforum, 1-4. 

Mazzucato, V. (2009). Bridging boundaries with a transnational research approach: A simultaneous matched sample methodology. Multi-sited ethnography: Theory, praxis and locality in contemporary research, 215-232.

Xiang, B, & Toyota, M. 2013,  "Ethnographic experiments in transnational mobility studies." Ethnography: 277-281. 


4. Narrative as data collection and analyses, a selection of approaches (Lise Kjølsrød)

Abbott, A. (2001) On the concept of turning point, chapter 8 in Time Matters. On Theory and Method. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 240-260. (20)

Abbott, A. (2004) General Heuristics: Description and Narration, chapter 5 in Methods of Discovery. New York, London: W.W. Norton, 137-162. (25)

Järvinen, M. & C. Bloch (2017) Sympathy and Misery in Families with Drinking Problems. Acta Sociologica 60 (1), 75-88.

(Järvinen, M. & Mik-Meyer, N. (red.) 2017: Kvalitativ analyse. Syv traditioner. København: Hans Reitzels) (13)

Kjølsrød, L. (2018) Collectivity, Poetics and Agency, chapter 4 in Leisure as source of knowledge, social resilience and public commitment. London, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, x-y. (20)

Loseke, D. R. (2007): The study of identity as cultural, institutional, organizational, and personal narrative: theoretical and empirical integrations. Sociological Quarterly, 48(4): 661–688. (27)

Presser, L. (2009) The narratives of offenders, Theoretical Criminology 13, no. 2, 177−200. (23)

Sandberg, S. (2010) What can «Lies» Tell Us about Life? Notes towards a Framework of Narrative Criminology. Journal of Criminal Justice Education 21:4, 447−465. (18)

Published Jan. 31, 2020 10:41 AM - Last modified Apr. 3, 2020 2:10 PM