Exam results for ECON2610

The results are now published, and you can find them in Studentweb.

Treshold values:

13-17 points = A

10-13 points = B

6-10 points = C

4-6 points = D

2-4 points = E

less than 2 points = F

Access to your exam paper:

Because this was a multiple choice exam, you will not get access to your exam paper and answers in Inspera. If you want to see your paper you can send an email with your candidate number and course code to info@sv.uio.no within January 7th 2019. You will be contacted in early January and will then get to see your paper.

Published Dec. 20, 2018 4:52 PM - Last modified Dec. 20, 2018 4:59 PM