Seminars and seminar problems

Seminar activities:

We expect you to have made a decent attempt at the problems before seminars. "expect you to" does not mean it is formally mandatory, as this course has no compulsory activities except the exam - but we ask you to kindly comply with the following as far as it is feasible:

  • For each seminar, bring an attempted solution of (at least) one seminar problem - of your choice (see below though). 
  • Hand in (anonymously) at the beginning of the seminar. You will not get it back, but the seminar leader will read it to gather information about the level of skills in the class.
  • This is an experiment, and the seminar leaders will "change the rules2 from experience. For example, we could later ask you to hand in the one you think best fits [description] to get a poll/vote over how you find the problems.

A "problem" to be handed in is a number-enumerated problem from the compendium, like 18 or 57 below (this time, count 31a/60b as one). Please do not pick the ones from the exams, as they come with complete solutions; at least not as of now. 


Problems for seminar #1:

Exam Autumn 2011 problem 2
Problems from the compendium: 18, 107, 117, 57, 31 (a) / 60 (b).


- Nils

Published Aug. 27, 2015 5:42 PM