�konomisk institutt

Arne Str�m

Januar 2004




Oppgaver til seminarene i ECON 3120/4120 Matematikk 2

i uken 26.�30. januar 2004




Du b�r regne alle oppgavene, i hvert fall gj�re et alvorlig fors�k.De oppgavene som er markert med understrekning, vil bli gjennom�g�tt p� seminaret, og de andre vil du f� utdelt l�sninger av.Denne uken er alle oppgavene hentet fra l�reboken, Matematisk analyse I.


MA I:2.7.5,2.7.6,2.7.7(a),(c),(e),2.7.8,3.10.2,3.10.4,5.10.1, 5.11.3(c),(f),5.11.4(b),5.11.2.






Seminar problems in ECON 3120/4120 Mathematics 2

for the week 26�30 January 2004




You should do (or at least try to do) all the problems listed here.The problems that are underlined will be discussed in the seminar, and you will get solutions of the others.All problems this week are taken from the textbook, Essential mathematics for economic analysis.(They are the same problems as in the Norwegian version, only the numbers are different.)


EMEA:3.4.5,3.4.6,3.4.7(a),(b),(c),3.4.8,4.10.1,4.10.3,6.10.1, 6.11.3(c),(f),6.11.4(b),6.11.2.