Teaching - time and place


The lecture free week is in week 13.

Arne Strøm

Lecture 1

  • Tuesday 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 7  ( 17. January to 9. May)

Arne Strøm, Knut Sydsæter

Lecture 2

  • Friday 10:15 -12:00, Auditorium 7  ( 20. January to 12. May)

Arne Strøm, Knut Sydsæter


Seminar 1

Some of the places in this seminar is reserved for the new master students starting spring 2006. If available, other students may also register for this seminar.

  • Monday 16:15 -18:00, Seminarrom 301  ( 30. January to 8. May)

Li Zhang

Seminar 2

  • Monday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 201  ( 30. January to 8. May)

Li Zhang

Seminar 3

  • Wednesday 08:15 -10:00, Seminarrom 301  ( 1. February to 10. May)

    Seminarleder: Magnus Andresen

No seminar participation

Published Nov. 17, 2005 2:07 PM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2006 7:39 PM