Two messages: (1) As announced …

Two messages: (1) As announced in today's lecture, the schedule will be as suggested. I will update it with term paper deadlines shortly.

(2) Problems: do the remaining parts of the two below posted problem sets, and also the following: Show that f(z) = (1+r/z)^z (the "^" should be a superscript (power!), but that does not work in the messages ...) is increasing (in z) -- that is, that effective interest rate is higher the more often interest is accumulated. Proceed as follows:

  • You may want to consider g(z) = ln f(z) = z ln(1+r/z) instead of f; point out that f is increasing if and only if g is (at least whenever the logarithm is defined).
  • Find g'(z) and point out that g'(z) tends to 0 when z tends to infinity.
  • Find g''(z) and point out that it is negative.
  • What does the latter two points tell you about the sign of g'(z)?

Published Jan. 22, 2008 3:36 PM - Last modified May 26, 2008 11:07 PM