Teaching plan

  • In the references to Lecture notes / comments English: the «EMEA» abbreviation is to the English «Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis», 3rd or 4th edition. The references in slanted font is for those who choose to use the Norwegian books: MA1 (med ref. til 7. og 8. utgave), MA2, LA.

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
21.01.2013 BD    Introduction to the course; Exponential and logarithmic functions (review); Interest and present values   EMEA 4.9—4.10, 6.10—6.11, 10.1—10.3 / MA1 3.9–3.10, 5.10–5.11, 8.1–8.3 
25.01.2003 BD    The differential. Linear and quadratic approximation. Taylor’s formula.  EMEA 7.4—7.6, 12.8—12.9 / MA1 7.4–7.6 (gml.utg.: også 7.3); 12.8–12.10 (gml.utg.: 12.3–12.4) 
28.01.2013 BD    Limits and continuous functions. Indefinite expressions. The intermediate value theorem   EMEA 7.8—7.12, 9.1—9.4 / MA1 kap 6 (unntatt det som ikke er pensum), 10.1–10.4 
01.02.2013 BD    The integral. Methods of integration.   EMEA 9.1—9.6 / MA1 10.1–10.4, 10.6–10.7 
04.02.2013 BD    Methods of integration.  EMEA 9.5—9.6 / MA1 10.6–10.7 
08.02.2013 BD    Extensions of the integral concept.  EMEA 9.7 / MA1 10.9 
11.02.2013 BD    Introduction to (first-order!) differential equations. Separable differential equations.   EMEA 9.8, FMEA 5.1—5.4 / MA1 10.10, MA2 1.1–1.4 
15.02.2013 BD    Separable and linear differential equations  see 11.02.2013 

18.02.2013: No Lecture

22.02.2013: No Lecture

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
25.02.2013 BD    Linear differential equations. Some remaining bits and pieces.   see 11.02.2013 
01.03.2013 BD    Vectors. Scalar products. Straight lines and planes w. applications to budget constraints. Possibly: introduction to matrices.  EMEA 15.7—15.9 / LA 2.1–2.4, 2.6 
04.03.2012 BD    Matrices and matrix operations. Linear equation systems.   EMEA 15.1—15.4 / LA 3.1–3.4 
08.03.2013 BD    Linear equations: Gaussian elimination. A bit about the inverse.   EMEA 15.5—15.6 / LA 3.5, 4.1 
11.03.2013 BD    Gaussian elimination. Introduction to determinants   EMEA 15.5—15.6, 16.1—16.3 / LA 3.5, 4.1 , 5.1–5.3  
15.03.2013 BD    Determinants. Inverse matrices. Cramér's rule  EMEA 16.1—16.8 _ / LA 5.1–5.5, 6.1–6.3  
18.03.2013 BD    Probably some leftover topics from linear algebra. Then review of maxima and minima.   EMEA 8.1—8.7, 13.1—13.2 / MA1 9.1–9.7 (kort repetisjon), 13.1–13.5 (ikke 13.5 i gml. utg.)  
22.03.2013 BD    Maxima / minima cont'd. Constrained maxima and minima. (Review.)   EMEA 13.1—14.4 except the envelope theorem / MA1 13.1–14.4 unntatt omhyllingssetningen 

25.03.2013: No Lecture

29.03.2013: No Lecture

01.04.2013: No Lecture

05.04.2013: No Lecture

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
08.04.2013 BD    Constrained maxima and minima. Nonlinear programming.   EMEA 14.5—14.7 / MA1 14.5–14.6, deler av MA2 8.7–8.8, 8.10–8.11  
12.04.2013 BD    Nonlinear programming.  EMEA 14.8—14.9 / deler av MA2 8.7–8.8, 8.10–8.11  
15.04.2013 BD    Nonlinear programming.  (As previous lecture.) 
19.04.2013 BD    The envelope theorem in unconstrained and constrained maximization   
22.04.2013 BD    Implicit differentiation and slopes of level curves. (Review.) Differentiation in equation systems.   EMEA 7.1—7.3, 12.1—12.4 , 12.8—12.11 / MA1 12.3-12.4, 12.11–12.12 (gml utg: 12.1–12.2 og 12.4–12.6) 
26.04.2013 BD    Elasticities. Elasticity of substitution. Finding elasticities of implicit functions.   EMEA 7.7, 11.8, 12.5 / MA1 5.12, 11.8, 12.5 (gml. utg.: 5.12–5.13, 11.11, 12.7)  

29.04.2013: No lecture

03.05.2013: No Lecture

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
06.05.2013 BD    Homogeneous and homothetic functions  EMEA 12.6—12.7 / MA1 12.6-12.7 (gml.utg.: 11.12–11.13)  
10.05.2013 BD    *Review*  Review 
Published Jan. 15, 2013 1:10 PM - Last modified Jan. 15, 2013 5:10 PM