Several updates

  • You should by now have received an e-mail on possible change of time. I proposed to move lecture to the seminar slot, and the seminar to the "new" slot. An earlier time on Wednesday appeared to also be a potential candidate, but I did not want to mess it up by suggesting more than two.
  • Two updates to the eigenvalues/eigenvectors note (#3):
    • Two useful facts should have been lectured. I will cover that next week, but I put it into the note: new second-to-last page.
    • Last page I wrote the matrix wrong; the numbers I wrote, was from A-4I and not A. A correction has been made, and furthermore, the last page is updated to give A as an example of the previous item.
  • Seminar problems posted.
  • Feedback suggests that you want those lecture notes, so I'll keep on posting them. Working on next week.
Published Jan. 26, 2018 4:33 PM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2018 4:33 PM