Uploads and other messages

  • Uploaded: Note for tomorrow, and Eric's notes from Friday's seminar.
  • Next seminar: Eric is unavailable this week.
    I propose: to postpone it to Tuesday in a week (lecture time & place). If so:
    • A lecture on Friday, covering proof by induction and your requested review topics?
    • Difference eq's and dynamic programming: Wed-Tue-Wed rather than Tue-Wed-Tue.
  • Also need to discuss: review closer to the exam (which is June 1st).
    I propose, to be discussed in one of this week's lectures:
    • To allocate some "consultation hour sessions" without agenda - or with requests.
    • But: would like to know when your other exams make it infeasible. (Besides I have a couple of calendar issues too.)
  • Finally, Ida pointed out to me that although the Leibniz rule is now Mathematics 2 (not 3) curriculum, some of you have taken an earlier version of Mathematics 2. I need to take a stand on whether that is to be considered a pre-requisite. Will let you know shortly. 
    (Of course, it will in any case not hurt you to check the Mathematics 2 note at http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/oekonomi/ECON4120/v18/M2Leibniz2018.pdf and take as an exercise: how to apply the chain rule to deduce it.) 
Published Apr. 9, 2018 12:32 PM - Last modified Apr. 9, 2018 12:35 PM