Teaching - time and place


  • Friday 10:15 -12:00, Auditorium 7 Eilert Sundts hus, A-blokka ( 16 January to 8 May)

Yngve Willassen


Seminar 1

The seminar is reserved for 1st semester master students.

  • Wednesday 12:15 -14:00, Seminarrom 101 Harriet Holters hus ( 28 January to 6 May)

Fredrik Haldorsen Willumsen

Seminar 2

  • Wednesday 10:15 -12:00, Seminarrom 101 Harriet Holters hus ( 28 January to 6 May)

Fredrik Haldorsen Willumsen

Seminar 3

  • Tuesday 16:15 -18:00, Seminarrom 301 Harriet Holters hus ( 27 January to 5 May)

Seminar 4

  • Wednesday 16:15 -18:00, Undervisningsrom 1220 Eilert Sundts hus, B-blokka ( 28 January to 6 May)

No seminar

This is for students who do not want to follow a seminar.

PcGive course

PcGive course 1

  • Tuesday 16:15 -18:00, PC-rom 035 Harriet Holters hus ( 27 January to 3 February)

Eivind Bernhardsen

PcGive course 2

  • Wednesday 16:15 -18:00, PC-rom 035 Harriet Holters hus ( 28 January to 4 February)

Eivind Bernhardsen

PcGive course 3

  • Monday 16:15 -18:00, PC-rom 035 Harriet Holters hus ( 26 January to 2 February)

Eivind Bernhardsen

NO PcGive course

This is for students who do not want to follow a PcGive course.

Published Oct. 24, 2008 11:00 AM - Last modified Jan. 27, 2009 3:01 PM