
Published Nov. 11, 2015 4:45 PM


(1) We have referred in most of the Problem Sets to additional exercises from the previous exams. For some reason we stated that those exercises are from the Exam and Retake 2015. This is a (copy and paste) typo, it should be Exam and Retake 2014. And you will find those documents on the current course website.

(2) In the last seminar, time will probably not allow to discuss all the questions in problem set 9. For that reason we have posted solutions for Ex. A.2 and B.

Published Oct. 26, 2015 6:22 PM


We have updated some of the notation in Problem Set 7 (no major changes). We kindly ask you to do a new print out if you downloaded the problem set before 26. Oct, 2015, 18:20.

Published Oct. 26, 2015 5:40 PM


We have posted the solution for Ex. 6.2 (d) and will discuss in this week's seminars (27.10-30.10) problem set 7 and possibly start problem set 8.

Published Oct. 21, 2015 2:47 PM


This is just to let you know that tomorrow's seminar session on Thu, 22 Oct, 10:15-12:00 will be held by Matteo instead of Andreas.

Instead Andreas will give one of Matteo's seminars on Wed, 4 Nov, 16:15-18:00.

See you there!

Published Oct. 15, 2015 5:29 PM


We have posted solutions for Ex 6.1 (c). In case you attended a seminar that did not cover this part, then please take a look at the solutions.

Next week seminars (19.-23. Oct, 2015), we will restart from Ex 6.1 (d) (in the Tue seminar we had already covered this part, still we repeat it for synchronization and "confused seminar leader" reasons), cover Ex 6.2 and see how far we make it in Problem Set 7.

See you next week!

Published Sep. 24, 2015 8:54 AM

We have posted a solution to the numerical parts of Ex. 4.1, which includes an Excel spreadsheet.

We will demonstrate the Excel spreadsheet in the seminars between 05. and 09. Oct, but we recommend that you have a look at it yourself.

Note that the spreadsheet makes use of the solver add-in, which is not activated by default on UiO's computers. This solver searches for the initial consumption, c(0), that makes the terminal condition hold, a(T+1)=0.

You can read from here how to activate this add-in.

Published Sep. 12, 2015 1:08 PM

We have also posted solutions to Ex. 2.1 (f) as the discussion was a bit of a rush in some of the seminars.

Published Sep. 11, 2015 11:15 AM

We have posted a solution for Ex. 2.1 (g), which we couldn't cover in this week's seminars. For the seminars taking place next week between 14. Sep and 18. Sep, we plan to cover Ex 2.1 (i)-(m) and Ex. 3.1. If the time allows, we will also start Ex. 3.2.