A few announcements: The term …

A few announcements:


  • The term paper will be handed out on Fri March 14th and is due on Mon April 7th.



  • Problem set 2 has been uploaded



  • NIBOR rates for Problem set 2 has been uploaded (Excel format)



  • We were not able to find a new set of seminar times that would constitute a Pareto improvement so the seminars will still be on Mondays 0815-2000 and Tuesdays 1815-2000. The next seminars are Mon Feb 18th and Tue Feb 19th.



  • Contact students are Beate Ellingsen (beate underscore elling at hotmail dot com) and Elise Skjold Rønningen (pellefiks at getmail dot no).



  • Slides on Lucas' calculation of the cost of business cycles have been uploaded



  • Link to the program for the 'Jarle Bergo Colloquium: Monetary Policy and Globalisation': http://www.norges-bank.no/Pages/Article____67647.aspx


Published Feb. 9, 2008 9:08 PM - Last modified Nov. 19, 2015 10:04 AM