Some of you have asked whether there are previous exam questions available for self-study. There are, but the relevance is not obvious:

The previous exam questions for SØK 460 / ECON 460 are available here.

Of those questions, the following are relevant:

Please do not put much emphasis on the exclusion I have made of lots of exam questions. For instance, the list above does not include many questions related to market efficiency. The reason for this is that most of those questions which have been given on market efficiency, have contained some reference to those texts which were on previous reading lists. Malkiel and Shiller are different, and therefore the previous questions are not relevant any more. This does not imply that market efficiency is not a relevant topic for your exam.

There exist suggested answers in English to the exams from 1993 and 1994 mentioned at the end of the list above. The notation is somewhat different from what you have seen in 2004, but you should be able to interpret it.

Diderik Lund, 4 November 2004