I have posted the group …

I have posted the group list for the seminars. I strongly request that every student should contact other members of his/her group to ensure that all members within a group, as listed, are willing to work together.

If any student is not willing to come to seminars (for whatever reason) and/or not willing to participate in discussions with other group members, must inform other group members and me ASAP. Besides, one member from each group (each group must choose a contact person for that group) should inform me about the status of the group (whether everyone willing to work together) by the end of this week.

A group's responsibility include presentation and discussion of two problems during seminars (you will get two problems from two different weeks) over the whole semester. It is groups own responsibility of organize meeting among group members.

The responsible group can discuss their proposed solution with me on Fridays (between 15:00 - 17:00) in the week before the seminar is scheduled.

Published Feb. 10, 2011 6:16 PM - Last modified Dec. 5, 2011 12:28 PM