Change to syllabus

We regret to inform you that a mistake in the reading list from last year has been carried on to this year's reading list.

The right version of the Michalopoulus and Papaioannou paper is the following:

Michalopoulos S. and E. Papaioannou (2011). Divide and Rule or the Rule of the Divided? Evidence from Africa, NBER Working Paper 17184.

This paper is slightly different from the version named "Pre-colonial ethnic institutions..".

If you have not read the paper yet, please make sure that you read the right one.

If you have already read the "Pre-colonial ethnic institutions.." version, note that they are in part overlapping. You would therefore only need to read part 1, 2.4, 2.7, 3 and 5 in the divide and rule paper.

You can also regard the appendix as supplementary. 

Published Mar. 14, 2014 12:18 PM