
Published Nov. 10, 2009 11:45 AM

Alternative presentation of welfare migration theory here

Published Nov. 4, 2009 11:56 AM

Extra lecture: Friday 6/11, 1215-1400, Aud. 5.

Published Oct. 29, 2009 1:36 PM

This is an invitation to participate in a periodic course evaluation for ECON4921.

The evaluation is done on the internet (open from november) and the deadline for giving your answer is Desember 18th. Please note that there are questions concerning exams, so preferably you should not answer this form until after your exam. Your answer will be anonymous.

Click here to find the evaluation form

Published Oct. 28, 2009 9:39 AM

Today's lecture is cancelled.

Published Oct. 21, 2009 12:48 AM

Old exams can be found here

Published Oct. 2, 2009 12:29 PM

Here is a white paper related to section 5 on the reading list (in Norwegian).

Published Sep. 3, 2009 11:14 AM

The contact student for this course is Rasmus Schøning (thepaxy at gmail dot com), 98 88 40 77).