Seminar 6 (Nov. 6)

I. Corruption

  1. Shleifer and Vishny (1993) have an industrial organization approach to corruption. Disucss why or why not this is a satisfactory approach
  2. According to their theory, when does having several corrupt bureaucrats increse the burden of corruption and when does it reduce the burden of corruption? What are the consequences (if any) if we want to fight corruption in an efficient way?
  3. Discuss how corruption affects economic efficiency and growth. How can we estimate this effect, and what challenges would we face? How could we solve the difficulties?

II. The exam

The final exam is approaching. See this link  for the question given in previous years. Keep in mind that the topics covered in the course varies from year to year, so some questions are out-dated.

I will briefly explain the format of the exam. It is going to be quite similar to the format of the 2013 exam.

If you have any questions either i) from the course in general or ii) about the exam, we can discuss them in the last part of the seminar. It is preferable that you send me the questions by email in advance, but I should be able to answer question on the go as well.

Published Nov. 2, 2015 9:50 PM - Last modified Nov. 2, 2015 9:52 PM