Syllabus/achievement requirements


D. Acemoglu and J. Robinson. Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty, 2012. London: Profile Books. ISBN: 9781846684296

Institutions and Economic Performance

Acemoglu, D., S. Johnson and J.A. Robinson: "The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: an Empirical Investigation" in American Economic Review, , 2001. Vol. 91, No. 5. pp. 1369-1401.

Acemoglu, D., S. Naidu, P. Restrepo,and J.A. Robinson “Democracy Does Cause Growth”, forthcoming Journal of Political Economy 

Persistent Institutions

Dell, Melissa. “The persistent effects of Peru’s mining mita”. Econometrica  201078 (6), 1863–1903.

Michalopoulos S. and E. Papaioannou (2013). Pre-colonial Ethnic Institutions and Contemporary African Development, Econometrica,  81(1): 113–152. 

Institutions and Commitment

Acemoglu, D. and J.A. Robinson: "Why did the West extend the franchise? Democracy, inequality and growth in historical perspective" Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2001, 115.

Aidt, Toke S. and Raphaël  Franck: “Democratization Under the Threat of Revolution: Evidence From the Great Reform Act of 1832”. Econometrica  83: 505–547, 2015.

Avner Greif: “Contract Enforceability and Economic Institutions in Early Trade: The Maghribi Traders' Coalition.” American Economic Review 83 (3).

Guido Tabellini: “Institutions and culture” Journal of the European Economic Association 6(2-3), 2008

Nunn, Nathan, and Leonard Wantchekon. “The Slave Trade and the Origins of Mistrust in Africa.” American Economic Review, 101(7), 2011: 3221-52.

State Capacity

Sanchez de la Sierra, Raul (2013).  ”On the Origins of the State: Stationary Bandits and Taxation in Eastern Congo“, mimeo

Besley, Timothy and Torsten Persson (2009). ” The Origins of State Capacity: Property Rights, Taxation and Politics“, American Economic Review, 99(4), 1218-44 

Bad Institutions

Engerman, S.L and K.L. Sokoloff: "Factor Endowments, Institutions and Differential Paths of Growth among New World Economies: A View from Economic Historians of the United States" in S.H. Haber (ed.): How Latin America Fell Behind, Stanford University Press, Stanford CA. pp. 260-304. 

Fisman, Raymond: Estimating the Value of Political Connections, 2001. American Economic Review 91 (4).

Hodler, R., & Raschky, P. A. (2014). Regional favoritism. Quarterly Journal of Economics (2014) 129 (2): 995-1033. 


Shleifer, A. and R.W. Vishny: "Corruption", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108 (3),  599-617.

Rohini Pande og Ben Olken : Corruption in developing countries, Annual Review of Economics, 2012, 4:479–509.

Fisman, R., & Miguel, E. (2007). Corruption, norms, and legal enforcement: Evidence from diplomatic parking tickets. Journal of Political economy, 115(6), 1020-1048.

Fisman, Raymond, Florian Schulz and Vikrant Vig, “Private Returns to Public Office,” Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 122, No. 4 (August 2014), pp. 806-862

Social explanations for economic performance

Barth, E. and Moene, K. O. The Equality Multiplier, 2016. Journal of the European Economic Association, 14: pp. 1011-1037 .  DOI: 10.1111/jeea.12163

Gorodnichenko, Y., and Roland, G. Culture, Institutions and the Wealth of Nations, 2017. Review of Economics and Statistics 99:3, 402-416. DOI: 10.1162/REST_a_00599

Algan, Y., and Cahuc, P. Inherited Trust and Growth, 2010. American Economic Review, 100(5): pp. 2060-92. DOI: 10.1257/aer.100.5.2060

Published May 24, 2017 3:22 PM - Last modified May 20, 2020 3:15 PM