
Published Dec. 20, 2017 3:25 PM

The plan for the oral exam is now uploaded on the semester page.

All exams on Friday 5 January takes place in room 1203 - 12th floor

All exams on Monday 8 January takes place in room 1220 - 12th floor

All candidates must meet at least 15 minutes before they are to be examined.

Published Dec. 12, 2017 6:19 PM

There will not be announced grades for the take home exam until after the oral exam.  Then you will have both grade for the take home exam and the final grade after oral exam.  The oral exam will take place on Friday, January 5 and Monday, January 8, 2018. 

All candidates who have submitted the take home exam is supposed to take the oral exam.

The plan for oral exam will be published on the webpage.

Published Nov. 15, 2017 3:00 PM
Published Oct. 27, 2017 1:47 PM

Next week's lecture will be on Tuesday, October 31st, at 17:15-19:00 in ES1047 (the seminar room in the 10th floor of the social sciences building)

The topic will be the expansion of the welfare state in Northern Europe and the U.S, as well as selected NoWeDe research at the end.

(Pizza will be served. Costumes optional)

Published Oct. 16, 2017 11:59 AM

The topic for this week's lecture will be "Colonies and Empires"

Allen chapters 5, 6, and 7.

Published Oct. 9, 2017 1:30 PM

Title: The long shadow of history: divergence and convergence of economic outcomes

Topic: If we believe that human beings the world over are driven by a common set of economic motivations and that there is no fundamental difference in their desires to save and procreate, Debraj Ray asks, then the differences that we do observe may be driven by their particular historical experiences thereafter propagated via economic, social and political influences. He provides examples form recent literature, studying the persistent impact of distant history.

Date and time: 11 October 2017, 12:15-14:00.

The lecture is open for everyone who is interested.

Published Sep. 15, 2017 4:30 PM
Published Sep. 13, 2017 1:56 PM

Seminar presentation topics are now posted on (A list is also made available on Fronter).

Please plan for your presentation to last between 10 and 20 minutes (twice this if you are two persons working together). It is of course OK to add more material than the suggested paper(s), e-mail me for suggestions if you want to. 

If you have not yet filled out the online form, please notify me by mail (mod at when you do fill it out, and pick a topic where there are spots available. If you need to change date, please attempt to switch with someone else (and notify me!)

If your name is not on the list, but should be, please let me know.

Detailed topics / paper suggestions will be made available at least three weeks i...

Published Sep. 5, 2017 2:52 PM

Rescheduling of lecture

On September 6 there is a political science conference that uses the auditorium. Next lecture for the course is September 13.  

A new lecture (for the one that was lost this week) will be scheduled later and a message will be posted when the time and date is set.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Questions? Contact the Department of Economics.

Published Sep. 4, 2017 4:08 PM

All master students following ECON4951 have to:

  • Select a topic (in the link in the previous post) by Friday 8th September. Topics will then be confirmed the week after
  • This topic will form the basis for parts of your home exam. (There will be an opportunity to change your topic later, before November 24)
  • The topic will also be the basis for a presentation at the seminar. Seminar participation is voluntary but strongly encouraged. All students participating in  the seminar will give a 10-minute presentation on a specific topic, based on the web form.

The seminar originally scheduled for September 11th is moved to September 18th.

If you want to present on September 18th, you can, in addition to filling out the online form, email Jørgen (mod (at) I can then confirm your topic straight away so you do not have to wait until next week. If there are no volunteers for...

Published Sep. 4, 2017 1:35 PM

In today's seminar (4 Sept) we will discuss the topics for the master seminars. Some slides with pointers/ideas will be presented, the file (with links) is available here:

After the seminar, and on Friday 8th September at the latest, please select your preferred topic for student presentation here:

All students are expected to present. More details will be given at the seminar.

Published Aug. 30, 2017 11:26 AM

This course is currently fully booked. Despite this, a lot of students  apparently doesn't show up for the lectures.

If you are enrolled in ECON4951 but do not plan to take the exam, please deregister from the course within September 1st (Friday!). You deregister in Studentweb. This will give another student a chance to take the course.

Questions? Please contact

Published Aug. 29, 2017 10:34 AM

Lectures:  Topics in economic history and inequality,

kalle Moene, Autumn 2017  

August 23 Overview -- basic questions and approaches

  • Why are some countries so rich and other so poor
  • Class divisions and geographical cleavages
  • The classical economists - inequality and development

Heilbronner, Ch. 1-4, Allen, Ch. 1-3; Neal  & Cameron, Ch. 6-7


August 30 The...