Past, present, future: Seminar: No …

Past, present, future:

Seminar: No seminar March 15th. Next March 22nd.


The Feb 3rd lecture: as announced in the Feb 24th message below, including the "-- probably --" part. Yet to do: Update the note with "what do you need to know".

The Feb 10th lecture covered

  • Brownian motion (and the Poisson process);
  • Basic properties of Brownian motion;
  • The Itô integral (wrt. Brownian motion);
  • The formulae d(B^2(t)) = 2 B(t) dB(t) + dt and more generally d g(B(t)) = g'(B(t)) dB(t) + g''(B(t)) dt / 2.

Next lecture:

  • The Itô formula in full generality (no proof)
  • Stochastic differential equations: concept
  • Geometric Brownian motion and the Ornstein--Uhlenbeck process: the SDEs, the solutions and their properties
  • Dynkin's formula and, if time: martingales.

- Nils

Published Mar. 11, 2010 10:21 PM - Last modified May 21, 2010 12:56 AM