
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
18.01.2006Thomas Hoff, Cato A Bjørkli  Aud. 4, Harald Schjelderups hus (HS) kl. 14.15-16.00  Introduction and Information  Curriculum: Everything


25.01.2006Cato Bjørkli  Aud. 4, Harald Schjelderups hus (HS), kl 14.15-16.00   History of MMI + Some basic Cognitive Psychology  Curriculum: Flach: Human Capacity,

Reason: Nature of Error (Hirose)


01.02.2006Cato A Bjørkli  check web  Cognitive Engineering  Woods & Sarter: Learning from…

Woods & Patterson: Can we ever escape

Dekker&Woods: MABA-MABA …

Woods & Cook: Nine Steps …

Casey: Chutes and Ladders


08.02.2006Kjell Øvergård  Sem. 1  Embodiment and EIP  Hirose: An ecological Approach Norman: chap 3 Hoff et al: Exploring the embodied


15.02.2006Cat A Bjørkli  Sem. 1  Methods I: Measurement  Charlton: Mental workload Nardi: Use of ethnography Flach & Warren: Active psychophysics


22.02.2006Cato Bjørkli  Sem. 1  Methods II: Trust and Etnography  Stanton: Trust: Key elements … Nardi: Use of Etnography


01.03.2006Kjell Øvergård  Sem. 1  Design I: Norman and Usability  Norman: Chap 1,2,3,4,5,6


08.03.2006Cato A Bjørkli  Sem. 1  Design II: Design Wheel, part I  Faulkner: chap 1,2,3,4 Norman: chap 7


15.03.2006Thomas Hoff  Sem. 1  Design III: Evaluation and Prototyping  Norman, Faulkner Casestudies


22.03.2006Thomas Hoff & Kjell Øvergård  Sem. 1  Overview & Final Q&A  Curriculum: Everything


19.04.2006  check information  EXAM  Curriculum: Everything 
Published Jan. 24, 2006 2:08 PM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2010 2:55 PM