Syllabus/achievement requirements

Quantitative methods

Mandatory curriculum

Robert F. DeVellis: Scale development: theory and applications. Applied social research methods series vol. 26. , 2003. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage 2 ed. (171 pages).

Dennis Howitt and Duncan Cramer : Introduction to Statistics in Psychology. 3rd edition. , 2005. Prentice Hall . Chapter 19,20, 22, 23, 27, 28 (87 pages).

Ulleberg, P and Nordvik, H : Introduction to factor theory and exploratory factor analysis, 2006. (33 pages). A free version will be available on Fronter.

Recommended literature in quantitative methods:

...for those who need to refresh their knowledge in statistics

Dennis Howitt and Duncan Cramer : Introduction to Statistics in Psychology. 3rd edition., 2005. Prentice Hall. Chapter 1-18.

... More advanced topics in multiple regression analysis

Barbara G. Tabachnick and Linda S. Fidell: Using multivariate statistics. 5th edition., 2007. Pearson international edition. Chapter 5 Multiple regression.

... Introduction to the use of SPSS

Dennis Howitt and Duncan Cramer: Introduction to SPSS in psychology,

Qualitative methods

Required reading for the course:

a)all the unmarked titles (app 370 pages). b)literature from the other titles, to a total of 500 pages

A compendium has been made for the qualitative part of the course.

Epistemological and theoretical issues

Valsiner, Jaan : Two epistemological frameworks in psychology: The typological and the variational modes of thinking, 1984 . The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 5,. 449-470.

The research process

Kvale, Steinar : InterViews. An introduction to qualitative research interviewing. , 1996. Thousand Oaks: Sage publications . Obligatory reading for this course: Chapters 1 – 10, chapter 13.

Bjerrum Nielsen, Harriet : "Seductive texts with serious intentions" in Educational researcher (Jan.-Feb.1995), 4-12.

Different approaches

Braun, Virginia & Victoria Clarke : Using thematic analysis in psychology, 2006. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3, 77-101.

Henwood, Karen & Nick Pidgeon : "Grounded theory in Psychological Research" in Camic, P.M., Rhodes, J.E. & Yardley, L. (Eds.): Qualitative research in psychology: Expanding perspectives in methodology and design., 2003. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 131-157.

Larkin, Michal, Simon Watts and Elizabeth Clifton: Giving voice and making sense in interpretative phenomenological analysis, 2006. Qualitative Research in Psychology(3), 102-120.

* Parker, Ian: "Discourse" in Parker, Ian: Qualitative Psychology. Introducing Radical Research, 2005. Berkshire: Open University Press. (88-104).

* Søndergaard, Dorte-Marie : Poststructuralist approaches to empirical analysis, 2002. Qualitative Studies in Education, 15 (2), 187-204.

Ethical considerations

Nafstad, H.E: "Assumptions and values in the production of knowledge: Towards an area ethics in of psychology and the social sciences" in Robinson and Kataluski (eds.): Values in higher education, 2005. Leeds University Press. (150-159).

Combining quantitative and qualitative methods

Shank, Gary : Six alternatives to mixed methods in qualitative research., 2006. Qualitative Research in Psychology (3), 346-356.

*Steckler, Allan, K.R. McLeroy, R.B. Goodman, S.T. Bird & L. McCormick: Toward integrating qualitative and quantitative methods: An introduction, Health Education Quarterly, 19, 1 (1-8).

Examples of qualitative studies

*Dorn, Lisa & Brian Brown : Making sense of invulnerability at work – a qualitative study of police drivers, 2003. Safety Science, 41, 837-859..

*Gill, Rosalind, Karen Henwood & Carl Mclean: Body projects and the regulation of normative masculinity, 2005. Body & Society, 11 (1): 37-62.

*Gulbrandsen, Mette : Peer relations as arenas for gender constructions among young teenagers, 2003. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 11 (1), 113-132.

*Jensen, T. K: The interpretation of signs of child sexual abuse, 2005. . Culture & Psychology, 11 (4), 469-498.

*Koivisto, Kaisa, Sirpa Janhonen & Leena Vaisanen : Applying a phenomenological method of analysis derived from Giorgi to a psychiatric nursing study, 2002. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 39 (3), 258-265.

*Pastoor, Lutine de Wal : Discourse and learning in a Norwegian multiethnic classroom: Developing shared understanding through classroom discourse, 2005. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 20 (1), 13-27.

*Pattman, Rob; Stephen Frosh & Ann Phoenix : Constructing and experiencing boyhood in research in London, 2005. Gender and Education, 17 (5), 555-561.

*Saxe, Geoffrey B: "Studying cognitive development in sociocultural context: The development of a practice-based approach" in Emerson, Robert M. (ed.): Contemporary Field research. Perspectives and formulations, 1996. Waveland: Waveland Press. (275-304).

Published Apr. 24, 2007 8:54 PM - Last modified Aug. 14, 2007 5:03 PM