Syllabus/achievement requirements

Main text book

Taylor, S.E: Health Psychology, 2006. London: McGraw-Hill. 436 pages.

Other books (it is not expected that the students buy these books)

Cameron, L.L. & Leventhal, H. (Eds.): The self-regulation of health and illness behaviour, 2003. New Yourk: Routledge. 337 pages. Selected chapters.

Friedman, H.S. & Silver, R.C. (Eds.): Foundations of health psychology, 2007. Oxford: University Press. 402 pages. Selected chapters.

Salovey, P. & Rothman, A.: Social psychology of health, 2003. New York: Psychology Press. 378 pages. Selected chapters..


Albee, G.W. & Fryer, D.M.: "Towards a public health psychology" in Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology 13, 2003. 71-75.

Marks, D.F. : "Freedom, responsibility and power: Contrasting approaches to health psychology" in Journal of Health Psychology 1, 2002. 5-19.

Prilleltensky, I. & Prilleltensky, O.: "Towards a critical health psyhology" in Journal of Health Psychology 2, 2003. 197-210.

Published Apr. 24, 2007 8:54 PM - Last modified Aug. 10, 2007 5:31 PM