
Suggested readings spring 2018

Here you can find some suggested readings related to “genetics of cognitive neuroscience”. Some of them will be discussed in lectures and some you can choose to present on seminars. None of them are obligatory, and you can use any other relevant resources.


Gazzaniga, Ivry, & Mangun (2014). Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind. 4th edition.

Particularly chapters on visual perception, attention, and cognitive Control. Chapters 2, 7-10, 12 (~300 pages).

Plomin, Defries, Knopik, & Neiderhiser (2013). Behavioral Genetics. 6th Edition.

Particularly chapters 1-14, 20, and Appendix on statistical methods in behavioral genetics.

Moore, D.S. (2015). The Developing Genome. An Introduction to Behavioral Epigenetics. New York, NY. Oxford University Press.

Articles (can be found online via the library):

Genetics and epigenetics – general
  • @ Plomin, R., Haworth, C. M., Davis, O.S. (2009). Common disorders are quantitative traits. Nat Rev Genet, 10, 872-8.
  • @ Maher, B. (2008). Personal genomes: The case of the missing heritability. Nature, 456(7218), 18-21.
  • Sweatt, J.D. (2009). Experience-dependent epigenetic modifications in the central nervous system. Biological Psychiatry, 65, 191-197.
  • @ Tobi, E.W. et al. (2018). DNA methylation as a mediator of the association between prenatal adversity and risk factors for metabolic disease in adulthood. Science Advances, 4, eaao4364.
  • @ Morgan, H.D. et al. (1999). Epigenetic inheritance at the agouti locus in the mouse. Nature Genetics, 23, 314-318.
  • @ Hibar, D. P., Stein, J. L., Renteria, M. E., Arias-Vasquez, A., Desrivières, S., Jahanshad, N., et al. for the Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA) Consortium. (2015). Common genetic variants influence human subcortical brain structures. ENIGMA2. Nature, 520(7546):224-9. doi: 10.1038/nature14101.
  • @ Chen, C-H., Peng, Q., Schork, A., Lo, M-T., Fan, C-C., Wang, Y., et al. (2015). Large-scale genomics unveil the polygenic architecture of human cortical surface area. Nature Communications, 6:7549, doi: 10.1038/ncomms8549.
Genetics and epigenetics – cognition and cognitive aging
  • @ Davies, G., Tenesa, A., Payton, T., Yang, J., Harris, S., Liewald, D., et al. (2011). Genome-wide association studies establish that human intelligence is highly heritable and polygenic. Molecular psychiatry, 16, 996-1005.
  • @ Christoforou, A.*, Espeseth, T.*, Davies, G., Fernandes, C. P. D., Tenesa, A., Giddaluru, S., et al. (2014). GWAS-based pathway analysis differentiates between fluid and crystallized intelligence. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 13, 663-674. doi: 10.1111/gbb.12152.
  • @ Espeseth, T., Sneve, M. H., Rootwelt, H., & Laeng, B. (2010). Nicotinic receptor gene CHRNA4 interacts with processing load in attention. PLoS ONE, 5(12), e14407. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014407.
  • @ Greenwood, P. M. Parasuraman, R., & Espeseth, T. (2012). A cognitive phenotype for a polymorphism in the nicotinic receptor gene CHRNA4. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 36, 1331-1341.
  • @ Le Hellard, S. & Steen, V.M. (2014). Genetic architecture of cognitive traits. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 55, 255-262.
  • @ Reinvang, I. Espeseth, T., Westlye, L. T. (2013). APOE-related biomarker profiles in non-pathological aging and early phases of Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 37, 1322-1335.
  • @ Lambert, J. C., Ibrahim-Verbaas, C. A., Harold, D., Naj, A. C., Sims, R., Bellenguez, C., . . . Amouyel, P. (2013). Meta-analysis of 74,046 individuals identifies 11 new susceptibility loci for Alzheimer's disease. Nat Genet, 45(12), 1452-1458. doi:10.1038/ng.2802
  • @ Lu, T., Pan, Y., Kao, S. Y., Li, C., Kohane, I., Chan, J., & Yankner, B. A. (2004). Gene regulation and DNA damage in the ageing human brain. Nature, 429(6994), 883-891. doi:10.1038/nature02661
  • @ Papenberg, G, Lindenberger, U., Bäckman, L. (2015). Aging-related magnification of genetic effects on cognitive and brain integrity. TICS, 9, 506-514.
  • @ Le Hellard, S., Håvik, B., Espeseth, T., Breilid, H., Løvlie, R., Luciano, M., et al. (2009). Variants in Doublecortin- and Calmodulin Kinase Like 1, a Gene Up-Regulated by BDNF, Are Associated with Memory and General Cognitive Abilities. PLoS ONE, 4(10), e7534. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007534.
  • @ Levenson, J.M., & Sweatt, J.D. (2005). Epigenetic mechanisms in memory formation. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 6, 108-118.
  • @ Day, J.J., & Sweatt, J.D. (2011). Epigenetic mechanisms in cognition. Neuron, 70, 813-829.
  • @ Jones MJ, Goodman SJ, Kobor MS. (2015). DNA methylation and healthy human aging. Aging Cell, 14(6), 924-932. doi: 10.1111/acel.12349.
  • @ Horvath, S. (2013). DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types. Genome Biol, 14(10), R115. doi:10.1186/gb-2013-14-10-r115
  • @ Sultan FA, Day JJ. (2011). Epigenetic mechanisms in memory and synaptic function. Epigenomics, 157-81. doi: 10.2217/epi.11.6.
  • Gräff J, Tsai LH. (2013). Histone acetylation: molecular mnemonics on the chromatin. Nat Rev Neurosci, 97-111. doi: 10.1038/nrn3427.

Genetics and epigenetics – stress and psychopathology
  • @ Kandel, E.R. (1998). A new intellectual framework for psychiatry. American Journal of Psychiatry, 155 (4), 457-469.
  • @ Insel TR. (2010). Rethinking schizophrenia. Nature, 468(7321):187-93. doi: 10.1038/nature09552.
  • @ Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics. (2014). Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci. Nature, 511, 421–427.
  • @ Network, & Pathway Analysis Subgroup of Psychiatric Genomics, C. (2015). Psychiatric genome-wide association study analyses implicate neuronal, immune and histone pathways. Nat Neurosci, 18(2), 199-209. doi:10.1038/nn.3922.
  • @ Bock J, Wainstock T, Braun K, Segal M. (2015). Stress In Utero: Prenatal Programming of Brain Plasticity and Cognition. Biological Psychiatry, 78(5), 315-326. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.02.036.
  • @ Klengel T, Binder EB. (2015). Epigenetics of Stress-Related Psychiatric Disorders and Gene × Environment Interactions. Neuron, 86(6), 1343-1357.
  • @ Tesli, M., Espeseth, T., Bettella, F., Mattingsdal, M., Aas, M., Melle, I., et al. (2014). Polygenic risk score and the psychosis continuum model. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 130, 311-317. doi: 10.1111/acps.12307

From Allan Jones (allen Atlas) 
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Published Nov. 9, 2017 1:25 PM - Last modified Feb. 13, 2018 12:32 PM