Syllabus/achievement requirements Spring 2017

The syllabus is comprised of articles in Readers and online articles.

Compendia can be purchased at the “Kopiutsalget” on the lower floor of Akademika bookstore. Valid student ID and semester card must be presented on purchasing compendia. If “Kopiutsalget” has sold out of a compendium please contact the department as early as possible in the semester in order that more may be obtained.

Many of the online articles require that you use a computer within the university network. If outside the university network, open your web browser and go to

Curriculum Articles in Readers / Compendia

Anderson, Benedict: "Introduction", pp 11-16 in Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, ed. Benedict Anderson. London: Verso, 1983.

Cohen, D.W. og E.S. Atieno Odhiambo: "Silences of the Living, Orations of the Dead: The Struggle in Kenya for S.M. Otieno's Body, 20 December 1986 to 23 May 1987", pp 180-198 in Between History and Histories. The Making of Silences and Commemorations, eds. Sider and Smith. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.

Gow, P.: "River People: Shamanism and History in Western Amazonia", pp Sidene 90-113 in Shamanism, History and the State, eds. Thomas and Humphrey. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1996.

Gupta, Akhil and James Ferguson: "Introduction", pp.1-45 in Anthropological Locations. Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science. California Press, 1997.

Carsten, J.: "Introduction", pp 1-36 in Cultures of Relatedness. New approaches to the study of kinship, ed. J. Carsten. Cambridge University Press, 2000.   

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: "Norwegian anthropologists study minorities at home: Political and academic agendas.", pp 36-53 in Toward Engaged Anthropology, eds. Sam Beck and Carl Maida.Oxford: Berghahn, 2013.

Krohn-Hansen, Christian: "Negotiated Dictatorship: The Building of the Trujillo State in the Southwestern Dominican Republic.", pp. 96-122 in State Formation: Anthropological Perspectives, eds. C. Krohn-Hansen and K. G. Nustad. London: Pluto Press, 2005.

Schneider, Arnd: "Art and Anthropology”, pp. 56 -71 in ASA Handbook of Social Anthropology, ed. Richard Fardon et al. London: Sage, 2012.

Scott, James: "Cities, People, and Language.", pp 53-83 and 369-376 in Seeing Like a State, ed. J. Scott. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998.

Curriculum Online articles, lecturer Wenzel Geissler

Ceuppens, B.and P. Geschiere (2005): "Autochthony: Local or Global? New Modes in the Struggle over Citizenship and Belonging in Africa and Europe.", Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 34, pp 385-407.

Collier, S. J (2006).: "Global Assemblages", Theory Culture Society, Vol. 23 ( 2-3): 399-401.

Comaroff, J. (1989): "Images of Empire, Contests of Conscience: Models of Colonial Domination in South Africa", American Ethnologist, Vol 6, (4): 661-685 (25 pages).

De Laet, M. and A. Mol (2000): "The Zimbabwe Bush Pump: Mechanics of a fluid technology", Social Studies of Science, 30 (2): 225-253.

de la Cadena, Marisol, Marianne E. Lien, Mario Blaser, Casper Bruun Jensen, Tess Lea, Atsuro Morita, Heather Anne Swanson, Gro B. Ween, Paige West, Margaret J. Wiener: "Anthropology and STS: Generative interfaces, multiple locations". HAU Vol 5, No 1 (2015).

Gluckman, M. (1940): "Analysis of a Social Situation in Modern Zululand", Bantu Studies, Vol 14 pp 1-30. 

Harrison, S. (1999): "Cultural Boundaries", Anthropology Today, 15 (5): 10-13.

Hayden, C.(2007): "Taking as Giving: Bioscience, Exchange, and the Politics of Benefit-sharing", Social Studies of Science, 37(5): 729-758.

de Jong, F. (2008): "Recycling Recognition: The Monument as Objet Trouvé of the Postcolony", Journal of Material Culture 13(2) :195-214 .

Marcus, G. E. (2010): "Contemporary Fieldwork Aesthetics in Art and Anthropology: Experiments in Collaboration and Intervention." Visual Anthropology, 23(4): 263-277.

Martin, E.(1992): "The End of the Body?", American Ethnologist, 19(1): 121-140 (20 pages).

Mauss, M. 1973 [1934]: "Techniques of the Body", Economy and Society, 2 (1): 70-88 (19 sider).

Sharp, L. A. (2000) "The Commodification of the Body and its Parts.", Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 29: 287-328 (Volume publication date October 2000).

Redfield, P. (2012): "Bioexpectations: Life technologies as Humanitarian goods", Public Culture, 24:1, pp 157-184.

Turner, T. (1995): "Social Body and Embodied Subject: Bodiliness, Subjectivity, and Sociality among the Kayapo", Cultural Anthropology, 10(2): 143-170 (27 pages).

Navaro-Yashin, Y. (2009): “Affective Spaces, Melancholic Objects: Ruination and the Production of Anthropological Knowledge,” Malinowski Memorial Lecture, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (JRAI), 15 (1): 1-18.

Curriculum Online articles, lecturer Keir Martin

Barth, F. (1989): "The analysis of culture in complex societies", Ethnos, 54, pp 120-142. book chapter

Hannerz, U. (1987): "The world in creolization.", Africa, 57 (4): 546–559.

Vertovec, S. (2007): "Super-diversity and its implications", Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30, pp 1024-1054.

Besteman, C. (2013): "Three reflections on public anthropology.", Anthropology Today, 29(6): 3–6.

Low, S.and S. Engle Merry: "Engaged anthropology: Diversity and dilemmas.", Current anthropology, 52 (supp 2): 203–226.

Lazar, S. (2013): "Citizenship, political agency and technologies of the self in Argentinean trade.", Critique of Anthropology, pp 110-28.

Wacquant, L. (2012). "Three steps to a historical anthropology of actually existing neoliberalism." Social Anthropology 20(1): 66-79.

Tsing, A. L. (2003). "Natural Resources and Capitalist Frontiers." Economic and Political Weekly 38(48): 5100-5106.

Teman, E. (2009):  "Embodying Surrogate Motherhood: Pregnancy as a Dyadic Body-project", Body & Society, 15(47): 47-69 (22 pages).

Peletz, M. G. (1995): "Kinship Studies in Late Twentieth-Century Anthropology.", Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 24, pp. 343-372.

Beatty, A. (2014) "Anthropology and emotion." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol 20 (3) :545-563, September 2014.

Stewart, K. (2012): "Precarity's Forms.", Cultural Anthropology 27 (3) : 518-525.

Ramos-Zayas, A. Y. (2011): "Affect, in A Companion to the Anthropology of the Body and Embodiment (ed F. E. Mascia-Lees), Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.

Hunt, N.R. (2008): "An Acoustic Register, Tenacious Images, and Congolese Scenes of Rape and Repetition.", Cultural Anthropology 23(2): 220-253.

Further recommended Reading Sosant 2000: download pdf-file


Published Oct. 27, 2017 9:58 AM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2019 3:38 PM