Syllabus/achievement requirements Autumn 2017

The syllabus is comprised of books, articles in Readers and online articles.

Required books are purchased at Akademika bookstore or ordered from online booksellers, such as Required books are also available at the University Library (provided the item is held).

Compendia can be purchased at the “Kopiutsalget” on the lower floor of Akademika bookstore. Valid student ID and semester card must be presented on purchasing compendia. If “Kopiutsalget” has sold out of a compendium please contact the department as early as possible in the semester in order that more may be obtained.

Many of the online articles require that you use a computer within the university network. If outside the university network, open your web browser and go to UiO Network services


@ Osburg, John. 2013. Anxious Wealth. Money and Morality Among China’s New Rich. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 234 pages

@ Tania Li. 2014. Land’s End. Durham: Duke. 240 pages.

Curriculum Articles in Readers / Compendia

Cannell, Fenella. 2001. “Beauty and the idea of America”. In Fenella Cannell: Power and Intimacy in the Christian Philippines (chapter 10), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 203-226.

Kim, Jaesok. 2013. “Introduction”, in Chinese Labor in a Korean Factory. Class, Ethnicity, and Productivity on the Shop Floor in Globalizing China (introduction), Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 1-34.

King, Victor T. and William D. Wilder. 2003. "South-East Asia. A Field of anthropological enquiry?". In The Modern Anthropology of Southeast Asia. An Introduction, pp. 1-24.

Stafford, Charles. 2000. “Chinese patriliny and the cycles of Yang and Laiwang”. Cultures of Relatedness: New Approaches to the Study of Kinship. Edited by Janet Carsten. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 35-54.

Stoler, Ann Laura. 1994. “Sexual Affronts and Racial Frontiers: European Identities and the Cultural Politics of Exclusion in Southeast Asia”. In Tensions of Empire: Colonial Cultures in a Bourgeois World. Edited by Ann Laura Stoler and Frederick Cooper Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 198-237.

Curriculum Online articles

Allison, Anne. 1994. Nightwork. Sexuality, Pleasure and Corporate Masculinity.  (introduction). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 7- 30. online ch

Anderson, Benedict. 2001. “Western nationalism and eastern nationalism”. New Left Review. 9: 31-42.

Carsten, Janet. 2013.  “Ghosts, Commensality, and Scuba Diving: Tracing Kinship and Sociality in Clinical Pathology Labs and Blood Banks in Penang”, In Vital Relations: Kinship as a Critique of Modernity. Edited by Susan McKinnon and Fenella Cannell, Santa Fe: SAR Press, pp. 109-130. online ch

Chua, Liana. 2016, “Gifting, dam(n)ing and the ambiguation of development in Malaysian Borneo.” Ethnos. 81 (4): 735-757.

Errington, Shelly. 1983. “Embodied sumange’ in Luwu”. The Journal of Asian Studies. 42 (3): 545-570.

Hinton, Alexander L. 1998. “‘Why did you kill?: The Cambodian genocide and the dark side of face and honor.” The Journal of Asian Studies. 57 (1): 93-122.

Howell, Signe. 1989. “To be angry is not human, but to be fearful is’: Chewong concepts of human nature”, in Societies at peace: Anthropological perspectives. Edited by Signe Howell and R. Willis. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 45–59. online ch

Jager, Sheila Miyoshi. 1996. “Women, Resistance and the Divided Nation: The Romantic Rhetoric of Korean Reunification.” The Journal of Asian Studies. 55 (1): 3-21.

Keeler, Ward. 2016, “Shifting transverals: Trans women’s move from spirit mediumship to beauty work in Mandalay”. Ethnos. 81 (5): 792-820.

Kelsky, Karen. 1999. “Gender, Modernity, and Eroticized Internationalism in Japan.” Cultural Anthropology. 14 (2): 229-255.

Kendall, Laurel. 1996. “Korean Shamans and the spirits of capitalism.” American Ethnologist. 98 (3): 512-527.

Kwon, Heonik. 2013. “Legacies of the Korean War. Transforming Ancestral Rituals in South Korea”, Memory Studies. 6 (2): 161-173.

Kwon, Heonik. 2006. After the Massacre: Commemoration and Consolation in Ha My and My Lai (introduction). Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 1-10. online ch

Lee, Ching Kwan. “The Specter of Global China”. New Left Review. 89, 2-38.

Mathews, Gordon. 2015. “East Asian Anthropology in the World.” American Ethnologist, 11 (2): 364-372.

McKay, Deidre. 2010. ‘A transnational pig: Reconstituting kinship among Filipinos in Hong Kong’. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 11 (3-4): 330-344.

Ong, Aihwa. 1987. Spirits of Resistance and Capitalist Discipline: Factory Women in Malaysia (chapter 1). Albany: SUNY Press, pp. 1-10.

Rosaldo, Michelle. 1983. “The shame of headhunters and the autonomy of the self”. Ethos. 11(3): 135-151.

Rudnyckyjm Daromyr. 2009. “Spiritual Economies: Islam and Neoliberalism in Contemporary Indonesia.” Cultural Anthropology. 24 (1): 104-141.

Scott, James. 1976. The Moral Economy of the peasant. Rebellion and Subsistence in Southeast Asia (introduction). New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 1-12.

Wikan, Unni. 1987. Managing Turbulent Hearts (introduction). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. xv – xxvi. online ch


Published May 9, 2017 2:36 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:20 PM