Syllabus/achievement requirements Spring 2020

Course materials are comprised of a book, a compilation of three texts (compendium) and online articles.

You can buy the required book from Akademika Blindern bookstore, or  purchase through online booksellers such as Required book can also be borrowed from the University Library (provided the item is held).

"Kopiutsalget” on the lower level of Akademika Blindern bookstore, sells course materials such as compendia. You will be required to show your UiO student ID and semester card prior to your transaction. If course material is out of stock, please contact the department asap in the semester in order for us to re-order.

If you are away from campus and want to access online articles with UiO subscription, go to Easier off-campus access



Cris Shore. 2000. Building Europe: The cultural politics of European integration, Routledge. 257 pages

Online articles and Compendium

1) Europe as history and geography

Wolf, Eric. 2010. (1997). Europe and the people without history, read chapter 1: “Introduction”, pp. 3-24 and chapter 11, “The movement of commodities”, pp. 310-354. Berkeley/Los Angeles/ London: California University Press. [65 pages]. Text in Compendium

Mitchell, Jon. 2002. Ambivalent Europeans, read chapter 1: “Malta on the margins of Europe: A history of ambivalence”, pp. 1-35. [35 pages]. Text in Compendium

Hann, Chris. 2016. “A concept of Eurasia”, Current Anthropology, 57(1): 1-27. [27 pages]. LibKey

2) The European Union

Peebles, Gustav. 2010. The Euro and its rivals: Currency and the Construction of a Transnational City, read chapter 4: “The mark of money: Regulating the flow of subjects”, pp. 93-121. [29 pages]. Text in Compendium

Abélès, Marc. 1993. “Political Anthropology of a Transnational Institution: The European Parliament”, French Politics and Society, 11 (1):  1-19. [19 pages].

Social Anthropology forum. 2016. Brexit referendum: First reactions from anthropology, 24(4): 478-502. [24 pages]. LibKey

3) The Mediterranean: A continent at sea

Braudel, Ferdnand. 1972. “Personal Testimony”, The Journal of Modern History, 44(4): 448-467 [20 pages]. LibKey

Ben-Yehoyada, Naor. 2015. “‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men’: the moral and political scales of migration in the central Mediterranean”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 22, 183-220. [37 pages]. LibKey

de Pina-Cabral, João. 1989. “The Mediterranean as a Category of Regional Comparison: A Critical View”, Current Anthropology, Vol. 30, No. 3 pp. 399-406 [7 pages]. LibKey

4) European others

Todorova, Maria. 2009. Imagining the Balkans, Oxford University Press. Read chapter 6: "Between classification and politics: The Balkans and the myth of Central Europe”, pp. 140-161 [20 pages]. ORIA

Yurchak, Sergei. 2005. Everything was forever, until it was no more. Princeton University press. Read chapter 5: “Imaginary West: The elsewhere of late socialism”, pp. 158-207 [50 pages]. ORIA

Fassin, Didier. 2005. Humanitarian reason: A moral history of the present, University of California Press. Read chapter 5: “Ambivalent hospitality: Governing the unwanted”, pp. 133-157 [24 pages]. ORIA

Shoshan, Nitzan. 2014. “Managing hate: Political delinquency and affective governance in Germany”, Cultural Anthropology, 29(1): 150–172 [22 pages]. ORIA

5) European self-reflections

"Anthropologists on the EU at 60", section at Focaalblog, edited by Don Kalb with five anthropologists. [overall 35 pages].

Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2019 "Afterword. Reversing the world: What austerity does to time and place”, Focaal, 83: 67-71 [5 pages] ORIA

Koch, Insa. 2016. “Bread-and-butter politics: Democratic disenchantment and everyday politics on an English council estate”, American Ethnologist, 43 (2): 282-294 [12 pages] LibKey

Heywood, Paolo. 2015. Equivocal locations: being ‘red’ in ‘Red Bologna’, JRAI 21(4): 855-871. [17 pages]. ORIA

Published Oct. 28, 2019 3:52 PM - Last modified May 5, 2020 12:13 PM