
SOSANT2230 Blod tykker enn vann? Nyere perspektiver på antropologiske studier av slektskap

Bøker som må kjøpes eller lånes på biblioteket:

@ Signe Howell og Marit Melhuus (red): Blod, tykkere enn vann. Betydninger av slektskap i Norge , 2001. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

@ Holy, Ladislav: Anthropological Perspectives on Kinship, 1996. London: Pluto Press.

@ Schneider, David: American Kinship. A Cultural Account, 1980 [1968] . Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Pensum i kompendier

Astuti, Rita : "Kindreds and descent groups: new perspectives from Madagascar" i Janet Carsten (ed) Cultures of Relatedness. New Approaches to the Study of Kinship , 2000. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. sidene 90 - 103.

Babula, Carolyn : "Family I Imagine" i James Faubion (ed): The Ethics of Kinship. Ethnographic Inquiries , 2001. Lanham: Rowan and Littlefield. sidene 250 - 266.

Borneman, John : "Caring and Being Cared For: Displacing Marriage, Kinship, Gender and Sexuality" i James Faubion (ed): The Ethics of Kinship Ethnographic Inquiries, 2001. Lanham: Rowan and Littlefield. sidene 29 - 46.

Carsten, Janet : “The substance of Kinship and the Heat of the Hearth: Feeding, Personhood, and Relatedness among Malays in Pulau Langkawi” in Robert Parkin and Linda Stone (eds): Kinship and Famliy. An Anthropological Reader , 2004. Oxford: Blackwell. sidene 309 - 327.

Dalton, Susan: "Nonbiological Mothers and the Legal Boundaries of Motherhood: An analysis of California Law" in Heléna Ragoné and France Winddance Twine (eds): Ideologies of Motherhood. Race, Class, Sexuality, Nationalism , 2000. Routledge: New York . sidene 191 - 232.

Fox, Robin : "The case of the Reluctant Genetrix" i Fox: Reproduction and Succession: Studies in anthropology, Law and Society, 1993. New Brunswick, N.J : Transaction Publishers. sidene 53 - 125.

Kahn, Susan Martha: “Eggs and Wombs: The Origin of Jewishness” in Robert Parkin and Linda Stone (eds) Kinship and Famliy. An Anthropological Reader , 2004. Oxford: Blackwell. sider 362 -377.

Ragoné, Helena: “Surrogate Motherhood and American Kinship” in Robert Parkin and Linda Stone (eds) Kinship and Famliy. An Anthropological Reader, 2004. Oxford: Blackwell. sider 354 - 361.

Rivière, Peter : "Marriage: a reassessment" i Rodney Needham (ed): Rethinking Kinship and Marriage, 1971. London: Tavistock. sidene 72 -100.

Rivière, Peter: Unscrambling parenthood: the Warnock Report, 1985 . Anthropology Today Vol. 1(4) . sidene 2 - 7.

Simpson, Bob: Making 'bad' deaths 'good': the kinship consequences of posthumous conception , 2001 . The Journal of the Royal anthropological Institute 7 (1). sider 1 - 18.

Strafford, Charles : "Chinese patriliny and the cycles of yang and laiwang" in Janet Carsten (ed): Cultures of Relatedness. New Approaches to the Study of Kinship , 2000. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. sidene 37 - 54.

Strathern, Marilyn : "Displacing knowledge: Technology and the consequences for kinship" i Faye Ginsberg and Rayna Rapp (eds): Conceiving the new World Order: The global politics of reproduction, 1995. Berkeley: University of California Press . sidene 346 - 364.

Yanagisako, Sylvia J. and Collier, Jane F : “Toward a Unified Analysis of Gender and Kinship” in Jane F. Collier and Sylvia J.Yanagisako (eds): Gender and Kinship. Essays Toward a Unified Analysis, 1987. Stanford: Stanford University Press. sidene 14- 50.

Weiner, Annette : "Reassessing reproduction in social theory" i Faye Ginsberg and Rayna Rapp (eds): Conceiving the New World Order. The global politics of reproduction , 1995. Berkeley: University of California Press. Kap 22 ( sidene 407 - 424).

Publisert 21. apr. 2005 14:54 - Sist endret 19. mai 2005 17:22