
SOSANT2320 Globalisering og transnasjonal flyt

Artikler i bok

@Boka Globalisation. Studies in Anthropology av Thomas Hylland Eriksen(ed), 2003, London: Pluto Press, må kjøpes eller lånes på biblioteket. Følgende bidrag i boka leses:

Thomas Hylland Eriksen: Introduction, Kap. 1 (s 1-17).

Hannerz, Ulf: Several Sites in One, Kap. 2 (s 18 - 38).

Miller, Daniel and Don Slater: Ethnography of the Extreme Internet, Kap. 3 (s 39 - 57).

Karen Fog Olwig: Global Places and Place-Identities - Lessons from Caribbean Research, Kap. 4 ( s 58 - 77).

Krohn-Hansen, Christian: Into Our Time: The Anthropology of Political LIfe in the Era of Globalisation, Kap. 5 (s 78 - 98).

Marianne E.Lien: Shifting Boundaries of a Coastal Community: Tracing Changes on the Margins, Kap 6. (s 99 - 121).

Sarah Lund: Commemorating Global Acts: A Norwegian Way of Holding an Emigrant World Together, Kap. 9 (s 158 - 169).

Marit Melhuus: Exchange Matters: Issues of Law and Flow of Human Substances, Kap. 10 (s 170 - 197).

Artikler i kompendie

Appadurai, Arjun: Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy. I: The Anthropology of Globalization, J.X. Inda og R. Rosaldo (red.), 2002. Oxford: Blackwell.. S. 46-64 (19s.).

Trouillaut, Michel-Rolph : "The Caribbean region: An open frontier in Anthropological Theory" i Annual Review of Anthropology 21, 1992. 19-42. (24s).

Kearney, M. : "The local and the global: The anthropology of globalization and transnationalism" i Annual Review of Anthropology 25, 1995. 547-65 (19s).

Graeber, David: "The Anthropology of Globalization (with Notes on Neomedievalism and the End of the Chinese Model of the Nation-State)" i American Anthropologist, 104 (4), 2002. 1222-1227 (6s.).

Tsing, Anna: "The global situation" i J.X. Inda og R. Rosaldo (red.) The Anthropology of Globalization, 2002. Oxford: Blackwell . s 453-485 (33s.).

Friedman, Jonathan: "The Hybridization of Roots and the Abhorrence of the Bush" i Featherstone, M and Lash, S. Spaces of Culture,, 1999. London: Sage. s 13-39 (27s.).

Meyer, Birgit : "Commodities and the power of prayer: Pentecostalist attitudes towards consumption in contemporary Ghana. I: The global situation. I: , J.X. Inda og R. Rosaldo (red.) The Anthropology of Globalization , 2002. Oxford: Blackwell. s 247-269 (23s.).

Gupta, Akhil og Ferguson, James : "Discipline and practice: The 'Field' as site, method and location in anthropology" i A. Gupta og J. Ferguson (red. ) Anthropological locations, 1997. Berkeley: University of California Press. s 1-46 (46s).

Garsten, Christina : "Bland 'äpplen' og 'änglar' i translokale organisationer". I: Ulf Hannerz (red.) Flera fält i ett, Socialantropologer om translokala fältstudier , 2001. Stockholm: Carlssons Bokforlag . s 163-194. (32s.).

Harvey, David : "The art of rent: globalization and the commodification of culture" i Harvey, D. Spaces of capital: towards a critical geography, 2001. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press . s 394-411. (18s.).

Trouillaut, Michel-Rolph : The Anthropology of the State in the Age of Globalization i Current Anthropology 42 (1), 2001. s 125-138 (14s.).

Howell, Signe : 'Kinning: The Creation of Life Trajectories in Transnational Adoptive Families' i Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 2003. (25s.).

Sanjeck, Roger: Rethinking migration, ancient to future i Global Networks a journal of transnational affairs volume 3 (3), 2003. Blackwell Publishing Ldt & Global Network Partnership. s 315 - 336.

Eriksen, Thomas Eriksen: Creolization and creativity i Global Networks a journal of transnational affairs volume 3 (3), 2003. Blackwell Publishing Ldt & Global Network Partnership. s 223- 237.

Publisert 30. apr. 2004 16:23 - Sist endret 30. aug. 2004 12:34