
SOSANT 2420 Sted og rom: etnografisk geografi

@ bøker som kjøpes på Akademika Resten av pensumet er samlet i kompendium til salgs i Akademikas underetasje


@Gray, John N.: At Home in the Hills. Sense of Place in the Scottish Border, 2000. New York and Oxford: Berghan Books. (250 sider).

@Basso, Keith : Wisdom Sits in Places. Landscape and Language among the Western Apache, 1996. University og New Mexico Press.


Urry John.: "The Making of the Lake District" i Consuming Places, 1995. London and New York: Routledge. s 193 - 210 (18 sider).

Tuan, Yi-Fu.: "Introductionn" (ss3-7) og "Experiencial Perspective" (ss7-18) i Space and Place. The Percpective of Experience, 1977. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (17 sider).

Berkaak, Odd-Are: "A Place in the Sun:The Vernacular Landscape as Olympic Venue" i Klausen, A.M.(ed):Olympic Games as Preformance and Public Event, 1999. New York: Berghan Books. ss137-172 (36 sider).

Hirch, Eric : "Introduction:Landscape : Between Place and Space " i Hirch and O`Hanlon (eds)The Antropology of Landscape: Perspective on Place and Space, 1995. Oxford: Claridon Press. s 1- 30 (30 sider).

Harvey, Penolope: "Landscape and Comerce: Creating Context for the Exercise of Power" i Bender,B. and M.Winters (eds): Contected Landscapes. Movement, Excile and Place , 2001. Oxdord:/ New York: Berg. s 197 - 210 ( 14 sider).

Bender,B.: "Time, Place and People" (s1- 24)og "Tinking About Landscapes" (s 25-38)i Stonehenge. Making Space, 1998. Oxford/New York : Berg Publishers. s 1 - 38 (38 sider).

Publisert 19. mai 2003 10:28 - Sist endret 15. aug. 2003 15:58