
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
19.09.2006Arne Kalland  rom 301 Harriet Holters hus, tirsdag 12.15-14.00  Two central debates:1. Tragedy of the commons and 2. Religious Env. Paradigm  Lecture, please read: Hardin, Gordon, Feeny et al.,White, Pedersen 
26.09.2006Arne Kalland  rom 301 Harriet Holters hus, tirsdag 12.15-14.00   Views on nature  Lecture, please read: Berkes, Part I (chaps 1-3) Agrawal, Freeman, Okely ,Douglas & Wildavsky, Kalland et al. (Ch.5) 
03.10.2006Arne Kalland  rom 301 Harriet Holters hus, tirsdag 12.15-14.00   Resource management  Lecture, please read: Berkes Part II (chaps 4-7), Rappaport, Kalland, Smith & Wishnie 
10.10.2006Anne Katrine Norbye  rom 301 Harriet Holters hus, tirsdag 12.15-14.00   Views on nature  Seminar, please read: Agrawal, Freeman, Okely Douglas & Wildavsky 
24.10.2006Anne Katrine Norbye  rom 301 Harriet Holters hus, tirsdag 12.15-14.00   Resource management  Seminar, please read: Gordon, Kalland, Rappaport, Smith & Wishnie, Kalland & Sejersen (Ch.6) 
31.10.2006Arne Kalland  rom 301 Harriet Holters hus, tirsdag 12.15-14.00   Environmental discourse  Lecture, please read: Dahl, Brosius, Roll-Hansen, Kalland & Sejersen (Ch.5-7) 
07.11.2006Arne Kalland  rom 301 Harriet Holters hus, tirsdag 12.15-14.00   The others  Lecture, please read: Conklin & Graham, Ellen, Headland, Brosius 
14.11.2006Anne Katrine Norbye  rom 301 Harriet Holters hus, tirsdag 12.15-14.00   Environmental discourses  Seminar, please read: Dahl, Ellen, Brosius, Roll-Hansen, Conklin & Graham 
21.11.2006STUDY WEEK       
28.11.2006Anne Katrine Norbye  rom 301 Harriet Holters hus, tirsdag 12.15-14.00   Monograph  Seminar, please read: Marine Mammals in Northern Cultures (Kalland & Sejersen) 
05.12.2006Arne Kalland  rom 301 Harriet Holters hus, tirsdag 12.15-14.00   Rounding off  Lecture, please read: Berkes (Ch. 8-10) 
Published May 31, 2006 6:14 PM - Last modified June 21, 2006 1:56 PM