
Published Nov. 6, 2008 2:42 PM

Seminar November 10, 2008. SOSANT 2510

Read the literature assigned for the two previous lectures and draw on the rest of the curriculum that you have read

Prepare for the following questions:

1)What do we mean by sustainable resource utilization? Search for some empirical examples of societies that may behave in a sustainable way.

2)What is conservation and when is it likely to occur and when is this unlikely?

3)What is meant by ecological revisionism?

4)It is argued that we need to understand the history of a people to understand their current adaptation. Is that really so?

5)How and why is the press an important factor in global resource management, conservation and sustained development?

Published Nov. 3, 2008 5:39 PM

The take home exam may be answered in either Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Published Nov. 3, 2008 2:13 PM

Seminar November 10, 2008. SOSANT 2510

Read the literature assigned for the two previous lectures and draw on the rest of the curriculum that you have read

Prepare for the following questions:

1)What do we mean by sustainable resource utilization? Search for some empirical examples or societies that may behave in a sustainable way.

2)What is conservation, when is it likely to occur, and when is this unlikely?

3)What is meant by ecological revisionism?

4)It is argued that we need to understand the history of a people in order to understand their current adaptation. Is that really so?

5)In what way, and why is the press an important factor in global resource management, conservation and sustained development?

Published Oct. 15, 2008 2:31 PM

Resource management, seminar October 20, 2008.

Read alsoSmith & Wishnie : Conservation and subsistence

Rappaport: The ritual regulation...

Questions for discussion:

1) Rappaport writes about the relationship between rituals and ecology. What is his model and argument? What do you think about this model in the studies of the relationship between a people and the environment?

2) Why has Hardin's model (The tragedy of the commons) been so widely applied for resource management? Do you think the model is applicable in our time?

3) Which interpretation do Smith and Wishnie put to "conservation” and "sustainability" ?

4) How do you think we should handle risks in relation to resource utilization?

Published Oct. 13, 2008 5:13 PM

Resource management, seminar October 20, 2008. read also Smith & Wishnie : ”Conservation and subsistence” Rappaport: “The ritual regulation …”

Questions for discussion:

1) Rappaprot writes about the relationship between rituals and ecology. What is his model and argument? What do you think about this model in the studies of the relationship between a people and the environment?

2) Why has Hardin’s model (The tragedy of the commons) been so widely applied for resource management? Do you think the model is applicable in our time?

3) Which interpretation do Smith and Wishnie put to “conservation” and “sustainability” ?

4) How do you think we should handle risks in relation to resource utilization?

Published Sep. 17, 2008 3:23 PM

Important information regarding Marine Mammals!

The copies of Marine Mammals in the library (including the one from the ethnographic museum) are only on loan and use inside the library. You will have to the loan desk and ask to borrow the a copy of the book. And it is essential that you tell the librarian that the book is placed with them, since they may not be aware of which books at the time is on a special loaning status.

Published Sep. 2, 2008 12:55 PM

Unfortunately Arne Kalland is unable hold the lecutres in SOSANT2510. Instead Harald Beyer-Broch will lecture this course this term. Detailed teaching plan will be published on the web as soon as possible.