
SOSANT2510 Environmental Anthropology

Required books, available at Akademika and at the University Library

@ Kalland, A. and F. Sejersen: Marine Mammals and Northern Cultures, 2005. Edmonton: Canadian Circumpolar Institute Press. 349 pages.

@ Townsend, Patricia K.: Environmental Anthropology. From Pigs to Politics, 2000. Illinois: Waveland Press. 119 pages.

Articles in readers available at the "kopiutsalg"-desk, groundfloor Akademika

Agrawal, Arun: Dismantling the Divide Between Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge, 1995. Development and Change, Vol. 26 . Pages 413-439 (27 pages).

Brosius, J. Peter : "Endangered Forest, Endangered People: Environmentalist Representations of Indigenous Knowledge" i R. Ellen, P. Parkes & A. Bicker (eds.): Indigenous Environmental Knowledge and its Transformation. Critical Anthropological Perspective, 2000. Harwood Academic Publishers . Pages 293-317 (24 pages).

Conklin, Beth A. and Laura R. Graham:: "The Shifting Middle Ground: Amazonian Indians and Eco-Politics" i American Anthropologist, Vol 97 (4), 2000. Pages 695-710 (16 pages).

Dahl, Gudrun: "Environmentalism, nature and "otherness": Some perspectives on our relations with small scale producers in the third world" i Gudrun Dahl (ed.) : Environmental arguments and subsistence producers, 1993. Stockholm: Stockholm Studies in Social Anthropology. Pages 1-24.

Douglas, Mary & Aaron Wildavsky (eds.): Risk and culture. An essay on the Selection of Technological and Environmental Dangers, 1983. Berkeley: University of California Press. Chapter 2 (20 pages).

Ellen, Roy F.: "What Black Elk left unsaid: On illusory images of Green primitivism" i Anthropology Today, 2 (4), 1986. Pages 8-12 (5 pages).

Feeny, David, Fikret Berkes, Bonnie J. McCay & James M. Acheson: "The tragedy of the commons: Twenty-two years later" i Human Ecology 18(1), 1990. Pages 1-19 (19 pages).

Freeman, Milton M.R.: "Appeal to tradition: Different perspectives on Arctic wildlife management" i Brøsted, J., Dahl, J., Gray, A. et al.: Native Power. The Quest for Autonomy and Nationhood of Indigenous Peoples, 1985. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Pages 256-281 (17 pages).

Gordon, H. Scott: "The economic theory of a common property resource: The fishery" i Journal of Political Economy, 62, 1954. Pages 124-142 (19 pages).

Hardin, Garrett: "The tragedy of commons " i Science, 16(2), 1968. Pages 1243-1248 (6 pages).

Headland, Thomas N.: "Revisionism in Ecological Anthropology" i Current Anthropology, 38 (4), 1997. Pages 605 - 630 (26 pages).

Kalland, Arne: "Making the unworkable workable: Guest fishing’ in Japanese coastal waters" i Resource Management and Optimalization, 18(3-4), 1991. Pages 197-210 (14 pages).

Okely, Judith: "Visualism and Landscape: Looking and Seeing in Normandy" i Etnos, 66(1), 2001. Pages 99-120 (22 pages).

Pedersen, Poul : "Nature, religion and cultural identity: The religious environmentalist paradigm" i Bruun, O. and A. Kalland (eds.): Asian Perception of Nature: A Critical Approach, 1995. London: Curzon Press. Pages 258-276. (19 pages).

Rappaport, Roy A.: "The Ritual Regulation of Environmental Relations among a New Guinea People" i Roy A. Rappaport (ed.): Ecology, Meaning and Religion, 1979 . North Atlantic Books. Pages 27-42. (16 pages).

Roll-Hansen, Nils: "Science, politics, and the mass media: On biased communication of environmental issues" i Science, Technology & Human Values, 19(3), 1994. Pages 324-341 (18 pages).

Smith, Eric Alden & Mark Wishnie: "Conservation and subsistence in small-scale societies" i Annual Review of Anthropology, 2, Pages 493-524 (32 pages).

White, Lynn, jr: "The historical roots of our ecological crisis" i Science, 155(3767), 1967. Pages 1203-1207 (6 pages).

Published Apr. 4, 2009 9:48 AM - Last modified May 29, 2009 6:40 PM