
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
14.09.2006Arne Kalland  Tuesday 10:15-12:00, Room 101, Harriet Holters Hus  Introduction  READ: Dove & Carpenter (hereafter D&C), Introduction 
21.09.2010Arne Kalland  Tuesday 10:15-12:00, Room 101, Harriet Holters Hus   Two central debates: the Commons – Religious environmental paradigm  READ: Hardin 1968, Fenny et al 1990, White 1967, Pedersen 1995 
28.09.2010Arne Kalland  Tuesday 10:15-12:00, Room 101, Harriet Holters Hus   Ecology & social organization  READ: Harris (D&C Ch.4), Steward (D&C Ch.6), Barth (D&C Ch.7), Rappaport (D&C Ch.13), Hawkes et al (D&C Ch.14) Kalland & Sejersen (Ch.2-4) 
05.10.2010Arne Kalland  Tuesday 10:15-12:00, Room 101, Harriet Holters Hus   Ecology & social organization  As above 
12.10.2010      READING WEEK, NO LECTURE 
19.10.2010Arne Kalland   Tuesday 10:15-12:00, Room 101, Harriet Holters Hus   Knowledge and the environment  READ: Ellen (D&C Ch.17), Bloch (D&C Ch.21), Frake (D&C Ch.22), Ingold (D&C Ch.24), Douglas & Wildavsky 1983, Okeley 2001, Kalland & Sejersen (Ch.5) 
26.10.2010Arne Kalland   Tuesday 10:15-12:00, Room 101, Harriet Holters Hus   Knowledge and the environment  As above 
02.11.2010Arne Kalland   Tuesday 10:15-12:00, Room 101, Harriet Holters Hus   The climate  READ: Crate 2008, Nuttall 2009 
09.11.2010Arne Kalland   Tuesday 10:15-12:00, Room 101, Harriet Holters Hus   Indigenous peoples and environmental discourse  READ: Posey (D&C Ch.1), Fairhead & Leach (D&C Ch.2), Brosius (D&C Ch.19), Tsing (D&C Ch.20), Conklin & Graham 1995, Kalland & Sejersen (Ch.5-7) 
16.11.2010Arne Kalland   Tuesday 10:15-12:00, Room 101, Harriet Holters Hus   Indigenous peoples and environmental discourse  As above 
23.11.2010Arne Kalland   Tuesday 10:15-12:00, Room 101, Harriet Holters Hus     READING WEEK, NO LECTURE 
30.11.2010Arne Kalland   Tuesday 10:15-12:00, Room 101, Harriet Holters Hus   Summary; presentation of exam questions   
Published Aug. 20, 2010 1:23 PM - Last modified Aug. 20, 2010 2:48 PM