Syllabus/achievement requirements spring 2015

Development (Sosant 2530)

Syllabus is comprised of books, chapters in books, articles in Readers and online articles.

Required books are purchased at Akademika bookstore or ordered from online booksellers, such as Required books are also available at the University Library (provided the item is held). Compendium (articles in readers) is purchased at Kopiutsalget (groundfloor Akademika). Remember to bring your semester-card.


Required books

@ Ferguson, James: The anti-politics machine, 1994. University of Minnesota Press, 336 pages (paperback).

@ Mosse, David: Cultivating development: an ethnography of aid policy and practice, 2005. Pluto Press. READ the following chapters: 1, 2, 4, 7 and 9 (150 pages).

@ West, Paige. From modern production to imagined primitive: The social world of coffee from Papua New Guinea, 2012. Duke University Press, 336 pages.

Required book Chapters, available online:

@ Arce, Alberto and Norman Long (eds.): Anthropology, Development and Modernities, 2000. London: Routledge. Chapter 6 (30 pages). Download from BIBSYS.

@ Lyon, Sarah M. and Mark Moberg: Fair Trade and Social Justice: Global Ethnographies, 2010. New York University Press. Chapter 1, "What's fair?" (24 pages). Chapter in i E-book

@ Yarrow, Thomas: Development Beyond Politics. AIDS, Activism and NGOs in Ghana, 2111. Palgrave, MacMillan. Chapter 1, pp 19-44. Download PDF-file.

Articles in Readers (compendium)

Brigg, M.: "Post-development, Foucault and the colonisation metaphor" in Third World Quarterly, 23(3), 2002. Pp 421-36 (15 pages).

Escobar, A.: "Anthropology and the Development Encounter: The Making and Marketing of Development Anthropology" in American Ethnologist, Vol 18, 1991. Pp 658 -682 (24 pages).

Fairhead, James and Melissa Leach: "Misreading Africa’s Forest History" in Edelman, Marc and Angelique Haugerud: The Anthropology of Development and Globalization. From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism, 2005. Oxford, Blackwell Publishing.. Chapter 21, pp 282-291 (9 pages).

Friedman, J: "On text and con-text: towards an anthropology in development" in Yarrow, Tom and Soumhya Venkatesan: Differentiating Development: Beyond an Anthropology of Critique, 2012. Oxford, New York: Berghahn books. Pp 23-41 (18 pages).

Green, M.: "Globalizaing development in Tanzania- Policy franchising through participatory project management" in Critique of Anthropology, 23 (2), 2003. Pp 123-143 (20 pages).

Hobart, M.: "Introduction: The Growth of Ignorance?" in M. Hobart (ed.): An Anthropological Critique of Development : The Growth of Ignorance, 1993. London: Routledge. Pp 1-30 (30 pages).

Leys, Colin: "The rise and fall of development theory" in Edelman, Marc and Angelique Haugerud: The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism, 2005. Oxford, Blackwell Publishing. Chapter 5, pp 109-126 (17 pages).

Lie, J.H.S.: "Post-Development Theory and the Discourse-Agency Conundrum" in Social Analysis, 52(3), 2008. Pp 118-137 (19 pages).

Online articles

Elyachar, J: "Mappings of Power: The State, NGOs, and International Organizations in the Informal Economy of Cairo" in Comparative Studies in Society and History, 45(03), 2003. Pp 571-605 (34 pages).

Ferguson, J: "The Uses of Neoliberalism" in Antipode 41(1), 2010. Pp 166-184 (18 pages).

Lazar, Sian: "Education for Credit" in Critique of Anthropology 24(3), 2004. Pp 301-319 (18 pages).

Molyneux, Maxine: "Gender and the silences of social capital: Lessons from Latin America" in Development and Change 33(2), 2002. Pp 167-188 (21 pages).

Pelican, M.: "Complexities of indigeneity and autochthony: An African example", American Ethnologist, 36, 2009. Pp 52–65.

Rajak, Dinah: "'HIV/AIDS is our business': the moral economy of treatment in a transnationl mining company" in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 16 (3), 2010. Pp 551-571 (20 pages).

Welker, Marina: ""Corporate Security Begins in the Community:” Mining, the Corporate Social Responsibility Industry, and Environmental Advocacy in Indonesia" in Cultural Anthropology 24(1), 2009. Pp 142-179 (37 pages).

Published Oct. 31, 2014 1:05 PM - Last modified Nov. 5, 2014 4:30 PM