
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
23.08.2006Anne Julie Semb  Group room 4, Georg Sverderups House  Explanations   Required reading: Dessler (1991), pp. 119-154; Elster (1989) pp. 3-41 and 91-134; McCullagh (2004), pp. 170-192. 
30.08.2006Anne Julie Semb  Group room 4, Georg Sverderups House  Research questions, models and theories  Required reading: King et.al (1994) pp. 3-33; Hoyle (2002) pp. 3-44; Van Evera (1994) pp. 5-39; Gaddis (1986).  
06.09.2006Bent Sofus Tranøy  Group room 4, Georg Sverderups House  Research design: Case studies and comparative studies  Required reading: George (1979) pp. 43-68; King, et.al (1994) pp. 208-230; Ragin (1987) pp. 1-68; Bennett (2004) 
07.09.2006Anne Julie Semb  Group room 4, Georg Sverderups House  Operational definitions and measurement  Required reading: Adcock (2001) pp. 529-546; Hoyle (2002) pp. 75-95; Russett, Oneal and Cox (2000), pp 583-608 
13.09.2006Helge Danielsen  Group room 4, Georg Sverderups House  Methodological issues in archival research  Required reading: Carr (1961) pp. 7-30; Lebow (2000) pp. 103-125; Wohlforth (2000) pp. 126-145, Waage (2003).  
20.09.2006Kristin Skaret Orgeret  Group room 4, Georg Sverderups House  Interviewing  Required reading: Rubin pp. 42-92, 196-256.  
27.09.2006Kristin Skare Orgeret  Group room 4, Georg Sverderups House  Content analysis  Required reading: Hodder (2003); Silverman (2003); McCullagh (2004), pp. 18-42; Ghersetti (2004). 
04.10.2006Martin Austvoll  Group room 4, Georg Sverderups House  Core statistical concepts: Descriptive statistics and probabilities  Required reading: Hinkle (1998) pp. 52-88 and 152-167. 
11.10.2006Martin Austvoll  Group room 4, Georg Sverderups House  Statistical inference I   Required reading: Hinkle (1998), pp. 89-104, 167-178, 188-204, 218-220.  
18.10.2006Martin Austvoll  Group room 4, Georg Sverderups House  Linear Regression Models  Required reading: Hinkle (1998) pp. 105-151; Muller (1990) pp.624–651.


25.10.2006Martin Austvoll  Group room 4, Georg Sverderups House  Statistical Inference II  Required reading: Hinkle (1998) pp. 461-475; 574-588. 
01.11.2006Martin Austvoll  Group room 4, Georg Sverderups House  Interpretation of Statistical Studies  Required reading: Russett and Oneal (2001), pp. 43-155 and 307-329; Hegre (2005)  
Published July 5, 2006 11:50 AM - Last modified July 5, 2006 12:07 PM