Syllabus/achievement requirements

Required reading PECOS 4020

Adcock, Robert and David Collier, 2001. “Measurement validity: A Shared Standard for Qualitative and Quantitative Research”, American Political Science Review 95, pp. 529-546.

Carr, E.C., 1961. What is History? London: Penguin, pp. 7-30.

Checkel, Jeff, 2008. "It's the process, Stupid! Tracing Causal Mechanisms in European and International Politics", in Audie Klottz (ed.) Qualitative Methods in International Relations: A Pluralist Guide, pp. xx-xx.

Dessler, David, 1991. “Beyond Correlations: Toward a Causal Theory of War”, International Studies Quarterly vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 119-154.

Elster, Jon, 2007. Explaining Social Behavior: More Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-66.

Gaddis, John Lewis. 1986. “The Long Peace: Elements of Stability in the Postwar International System”, International Security vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 99-142

George, Alexander and Andrew Bennett, 2005. Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT press, part 1 and 2.

Gerring, John, 2007. Case study research: Principles and practices. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, pp. 1-36; 68-85; 172-185.

Ghersetti, Marina, 2004. “A Question of Partisanship? Swedish Radio on September 11”, in Nohrstedt, Stig A. and Rune Ottosen (eds.). U.S and the Others: Global Media Images on ”The War on Terror”. Gøteborg University: NORDICOM, pp. 203-221.

Goldstone, Jack A., 2003. ”Comparative historical analysis and knowledge accumulation in the study of revolutions”, in James Mahoney and Dietrich Reuschmeyer (eds.). Comparative historical analysis in the social sciences, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.41-90.

Hegre, Håvard. 2005. Interpretation of parameter estimates.Oslo: International Peace Research Institute. 10 pages.

Hinkle, Dennis E.; William Wiersma & Stephen G. Jurs, 2003. Applied Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 5th. edition, Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin. (Selected parts, see the detailed teaching plan).

Hoyle, Rick H., Monica Harris and Charles M. Judd, 2002. Research Methods in Social Relations. 7th. Edition. Thomson Learning, Inc. pp. 3-44, 75-95.

King, Gary, Robert Keohane and Sidney Verba, 1994. Designing Social Inquiry. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 3-33, 208-230.

Lebow, Richard Ned, 2000. “Social Science, History, and the Cold War: Pushing the Conceptual Envelope” in Odd Arne Westad (ed.) Reviewing the Cold War: Approaches, Interpretations, Theory. London and Portland: Frank Cass, pp. 103-125.

Lind, Jo Thori, 2008. Note on logistic regression (not included in the compendiums).

Mahoney, James, 2003. “Strategies of causal assessment in comparative historical analysis, in James Mahoney and Dietrich Reuschmeyer (eds.). Comparative historical analysis in the social sciences, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 337-372.

Melve, Leidulv, 2002. “Review”, Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 249-252.

Muller, Edward & Erich Weede,1990. “Cross-National Variation in Political Violence: A Rational Action Approach”, Journal of Conflict Resolution 34(4): 624–651.

Ragin, Charles C., 1987. The Comparative Method. Berkely: University of California Press, pp. 1-68.

Robben, Antonius C.G.M., 1995. “The Politics of Truth and Emotions among Victims and Perpetrators of Violence”, in Carolyn Nordstrom and Antonius C.G.M. Robben (eds.). Fiedwork under fire: Contemporary studies of violence and survival. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 81-103.

Russett, Bruce M., John R. Oneal and Michaelene Cox, 2000. “Clash of Civilizations, or Realism and Liberalism Déjà Vu? Some Evidence”, Journal of Peace Research, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 583-608.

Salehyan, Idean and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, 2006. “Refugees and the Spread of Civil War”, International Organization 60 (Spring), pp. 335-366.

Simons, Anna, 1995. “The Beginning of the End”, in Carolyn Nordstrom and Antonius C.G.M. Robben (eds.). Fiedwork under fire: Contemporary studies of violence and survival. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 42-62.

Strauss, Anselm and Juliet Corbin, 1998. Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Second edition. London: Sage publications, pp. 101-161.

Trachtenberg, Mark. 2006. The craft of international history: A guide to method. Princeton: Princeton University press, chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Van Evera, Stephen, 1994. “Hypotheses on Nationalism and War”, International Security vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 5-39.

Waage, Hilde Henriksen, 2003. Peacebuilding is a Risky Business: Norway’s Role in the Peace Process in the Middle East, 1993-96. PRIO Report 1/2004. Oslo: PRIO, pp. 1-11

Wohlforth, William C., 2000. “A Certain Idea of Science: How International Relations Theory Avoids Reviewing the Cold War” in Odd Arne Westad (ed.). Reviewing the Cold War: Approaches, Interpretations, Theory. London and Portland: Frank Cass, pp. 126-145.

Wolfsfeld, Paul Frosh and Maurice T.Awabdy, 2008. “Covering deaths in Conflicts: Coverage of the Second Intifada on Israel and Palestinian Television”, Journal of Peace Research, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 401-417.

Wood, Elisabeth Jean, 2006. “The Ethical Challenges of Field Research in Conflict Zones”, Qualitative sociology, vol. 29, pp. 373-386.

Published Apr. 22, 2008 7:26 PM - Last modified June 30, 2008 5:32 PM