Syllabus/achievement requirements

Books and compendiums can be bought in Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus. You will need a valid semester card to buy compendiums.


Claes, Dag Harald og Carl Henrik Knutsen (eds.). 2011. Governing the Global Economy - Politic, Institutions and Economic Development. London: Routledge. Chapters: 1-7, 9 and 15-16. Total: 195 pages.

Ravenhill, John (ed.). 2014. Global Political Economy. 5th Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapters: 1-3 and 5-11. Total: 284 pages.

Online articles

Blyth, Mark (2013): "The Austerity Delusion, Why a Bad Idea Won Over the Rest", Foreign Affairs, May/June.

Breslin, Shaun (2009) “State-Led Development in Historical Perspective: From Friedrich List to a Chinese Mode of Governance?" WarwickUniversity. 40 s.

Cherp, A. and J. Jewell (2011). "The three perspectives on energy security: intellectual history, disciplinary roots and the potential for integration", in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3:202-212. 8 s.

Claes, D.H. and H. Hveem (2016) “From Paris to the End of Oil”, in Politics and Governance 4(3): 197-208. 11 pp

Cohen, Benjamin J. (2007) "The Transatlantic Divide: Why Are American and British IPE so Different?", in Review of International Political Economy, 14:197-219. 22pp.

Fligstein, Neil and T Shin (2007) “Shareholder Value and the Transformation of the US Economy, 1984–2001”, Sociological forum.

Gereffi, Gary, John Humphrey and Timothy Sturgeon (2005) “The governance of global value chains”, in Review of International political Economy 12(1): 78-104. 26 pp

Harsem, Ø. and D.H. Claes (2013) 'The interdependence of European-Russian energy relations', in Energy Policy , 59: 784-791. 8 s.

Hodgson, Geoffrey M. (1998) “The Approach of Institutional Economics.”, in Journal of Economics Literature 26(March): 166-192. 26 pp

Hveem, Helge (2009). "Pluralist IPE: A View from outside the 'Schools'", in New Political Economy, Vol. 14, No. 3.

Katzenstein, Peter J. (2009) “Mid-Atlantic. Sitting on the knife’s shart edge”, in Review of International Political Economy, 16(1):122-135. 14 pp

Keohane, Robert O. (2009) “The old IPE and the new”, in Review of International Political Economy, 16(1):34-46. 13 pp

Kerner, Andrew (2014) “What We Talk About When We Talk About Foreign Direct Investment”, in International Studies Quarterly 58: 804-815. 11 pp

Kobrin, Stephen J. (1984) “Expropriation as an Attempt to Control Foreign Firms in LDCs: Trends from 1960 to 1979”, in International Studies Quarterly 28: 329-248. 19 pp

Poulsen, Lauge N. Skovgaard (2014) "Bounded Rationality and the Diffusion of Modern Investment Treaties", in International Studies Quarterly 58: 1-14. 14 pp

Prontera, Andrea (2009).‘Energy Policy: Concepts, Actors, Instruments and Recent Developments”, in World Political Science Review. 5(1): 1-30. 30 s.

Ruggie, John G. (1982) ”International Regimes, Transactions, and Change. Embedded Liberalism and the Postwar Economic Order”, in International Organization, 36:1 (Spring) 22 s.

Rui Pan (2015) “China’s WTO Membership and the Non-Market Economy Status: discrimination and impediment to China’s foreign trade”, in Journal of Contemporary China, 24(94):742-757. 16 pp.

Strange, Susan (1970) “International economics and international Relations: a case of mutual neglect”, in International Affairs, 46 (2) (April) ss. 304-15. 12 s.

Streeck, Wolfgang (2014) “How Will Capitalism End?”, in New Left Review, May/June 2014 pp 35-65.

van der Zwan, N. (2014) "State of the Art: Making sense of financialization", in Socio-Economic Review (2014) 12, 99–129. 30 s.

van Harten, Gus (2005) "Private authority and transnational governance: the contours of the international system of investor protection”, in Review of International Political Economy 12(4): 600-623. 23 pp

Williamson, Oliver E. (2007) “Transaction Cost Economics: An Introduction.” in Economics Discussion Papers, No 2007-3, Kiel Institute for the World Economy.  32 pp

Yergin, Daniel (2006) "Ensuring Energy Security", in Foreign Affairs. 85(2): 69-82. 13 pp

Made available in Fronter:

Jensen, Nathan M. (2003). Nation-States and the Multinational Corporation. A Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Ch. 1

Schwartz, Herman (2016) «Wealth and Secular Stagnation: The Role of Industrial Organization and Intellectual Property Rights», i Russell Sage Journal, publiseres november 2016. 

Teulings, Coen and Richard Baldwin (eds) (2014) Secular Stagnation: Facts, Causes, and Cures, A eBook, chapters 1-5 (pp 27-82). 

Vestergaard, Jacob and Robert Wade (2011) The new Global Economic Council: Governance Reform and the G20, the IMF and the World Bank. Danish Institute of International Studies (DIIS), Working Paper 2011:25. 28 s.

Online articles:


Published Nov. 11, 2016 12:26 PM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2017 12:33 PM