
The exam consists of two parts. Both part 1 and part 2 should be answered. Part 1 counts towards 60% and part 2 counts towards 40% of the overall grade. Answer only one question in part 2.

Part 1.


Outline and discuss the argument in favour of “building strong institutions ahead of democracy”. What are the implications of this perspective for building and consolidating peace and democracy? Discuss with reference to at least one empirical example presented in the course literature or in the lectures.

Part 2.

Answer one of the following questions:


1. Outline the strengths and limitations of social movements in deepening democracy in the Global South. Disucss with reference to at least one empirical example.

2.  What are the main characteristics of the Norwegian model to support development in the Global South? Discuss with reference to Terje Tvet's article.

Published July 27, 2015 1:03 PM - Last modified July 27, 2015 1:03 PM