

Christensen, T., P.Lægreid, P.G.Roness og K.A. Røvik (2009): Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 2.utgave. 231 sider.

Pollitt, C. (2003): The essential public manager. Berkshire: Open University Press. 196 sider.

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Boin, A., P. ‘t Hart, E. Stern og B. Sundelius (2005): “Crisis management in political systems: five leadership challenges”. I Boin et al. The Politics of Crisis Management – Public Leadership under Pressure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,  s. 1-17. 17 sider.

Egeberg, M. (2012) 'How bureaucratic structure matters: an organizational perspective', in B.G. Peters and J. Pierre, red. The SAGE Handbook of Public Administration, Sage Publications., s. 157-168. 24 sider.

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Aberbach, J.D.  og T. Christensen (2014) Why reforms so often disappoint. American Review of Public Administration. 44(1)3-6. 15 sider.

Ahrnea, G. and N. Brunsson. (2005) Organizations and meta-organizations. Scandinavian Journal of Management 21 (4) s. 429–449. 21 sider.

Christensen, T. (2011). University Governance Reforms – Potential Problems of More Autonomy? Higher Education, 62(4) s. 503-517. 15 sider.

Christensen, T. og P.Lægreid (2007). "The Whole-of-Government Approach to Public Sector Reform". Public Administration Review 67 s.1059-1066. 16 sider.

Christensen, T., A.L. Fimreite og P.Lægreid (2011). Crisis management: the perceptions of citizens and civil servants in Norway. Administration & Society. 43.(5) s. 561-594. 34 sider.

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Egeberg, M. (2004) An organizational approach to European integration: Outline of a complementary perspective. European Journal of Political Research 43(2) s. 199-219. 20 sider.

Finnemore, M. (1993) 'International organizations as teachers of norms - the United Nations' Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization and science policy ', International Organization, 47(4) s. 565-597. 34 sider.

Larsen, I.M., P. Maassen og B. Stensaker (2009). “Four Basic Dilemmas in University Governance Reform”. Higher Education Management and Policy, 21(3), s. 41-59. 18 sider.

March, J.G. og Olsen, J.P. (1983) “Organizing Political Life: What Administrative Reorganization Tells Us About Government’, American Political Science Review, 77(2) s. 281–297. 32 sider.

Trondal, J. (2011): ‘Bureaucratic structure and administrative behavior: Lessons from international bureaucracies’, West European Politics 34(4) s. 795-818. 24 sider.

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Publisert 18. nov. 2014 14:31 - Sist endret 19. nov. 2014 14:41