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Arneson, Richard J. 2011. “Luck Egalitarianism – A Primer”, in Carl Knight & Zofia Stemplovska, eds., Responsibility and Distributive Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 24-50. 26 pp.

Cohen, G. A. 2011. On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice, and other Essays in Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, chap. 11, pp. 225-35. 10 pp.

Holtug, Nils. 2010. Persons, Interests and Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, chap. 8, pp. 202-243. 41 pp.

Holtug, Nils, and Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper. 2006. “An Introduction to Contemporary Egalitarianism”, in Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen eds., Egalitarianism. New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality. Oxford : Oxford University Press. pp. 1-37. 36 pp.

Rawls, John. 1971. A Theory of Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 3-19, 47-78, 118-139. 68 pp.

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Anderson, Elizabeth. 1999. “What is the Point of Equality?” Ethics 109: 287–337. 50 pp.

Arneson, Richard. J. 1989. “Equality and Equal Opportunity for Welfare” Philosophical Studies 56: 77–93. 16 pp.

Arneson, Richard J. 1999. "Equality of Opportunity for Welfare Defended and Recanted" The Journal of Political Philosophy 7:488–497. 9 pp.

Arneson, Richard J. 2000. “Luck Egalitarianism and Prioritarianism”, Ethics 110: 339–349. 10 pp.

Barry, Nicholas. 2006. “Defending Luck Egalitarianism” Journal of Applied Philosophy 23: 89–107. 18 pp.

Casal, Paula. 2007. “Why Sufficiency Is Not Enough” Ethics 107: 296–326. 30 pp.

Cohen, G. A. 1991. “Incentives, Inequality and Community”, in Grethe B. Peterson, ed., The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, Vol. XIII. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. pp. 261-329. 68pp.

Crisp, Roger. 2003. “Equality, Priority, and Compassion,”Ethics 113: 745–763. 18 pp.

Daniels, Norman. 2011. “Reflective Equilibrium” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.) 16 pp.

Dworkin, Ronald. 1981. “What is equality? Part 2: Equality of resources,” Philosophy and Public Affairs10: 283 – 345. 62 pp.

Elford, Gideon. 2013. “Equality of Opportunity and Other-Affecting Choice: Why Luck Egalitarianism Does Not Require Brute Luck Equality” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16: 39–49. 10 pp.

Elster, Jakob. 2011. “How Outlandish Can Imaginary Cases Be? Journal of Applied philosophy 28: 241-258. 17 pp.

Eyal, Nir. 2007. “Egalitarian Justice and Innocent Choice”, Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 2: 1–18. 17 pp.

Huseby, Robert. 2010. “Sufficiency: Restated and Defended” The Journal of Political Philosophy 18: 178–197. 19 pp.

Knight, Carl. 2013. “Luck Egalitarianism” Philosophy Compass 8:924-934. 10 pp.

Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper. 2014. "Justice and Bad Luck", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.) 21 pp.

Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper. 1999. “Arneson on equality of opportunity for welfare ” The Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (4): 478-487. 9 pp.

Otsuka, Michael, and Voorhoeve, Alex. 2009. “Why it Matters that Some are Worse Off than Others: An Argument against the Priority View” Philosophy & Public Affairs: Vol. 37 (2) pp. 171-199. 28 pp.

Parfit, Derek. 1997. “Equality and Priority” Ratio 10: 202-221.19 pp.

Scheffler, Samuel. 2003. “What is Egalitarianism?” Philosophy and Public Affairs 31: 5–39. 34 pp.

Segall, Shlomi. 2014. "What is the Point of Sufficiency?" The Journal of Applied Philosophy. 17 pp.

Shields, Liam. 2012. “The Prospects for Sufficientarianism” Utilitas 24: 101–117. 16 pp.

Singer, Peter. 2005. “Ethics and Intuitions ”The Journal of Ethics 9: 331-352. 21 pp.

Temkin, Larry. 2003. “Egalitarianism Defended” Ethics 113 (4): 764–782. 18 pp.

Valentini, Laura (2012): "Ideal vs. Non-ideal Theory: A Conceptual Map", i Philosophy Compass 7: 654-664. (11 ss.)

Vallentyne, Peter. 2002. “Brute Luck, Option Luck, and Equality of Initial Opportunities” Ethics 112: 529–557. 28 pp.

Voigt, Kristin. 2007. “The Harshness Objection: Is Luck Egalitarianism Too Harsh on the Victims of Option Luck?” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 10: 389–407. 18 pp.

Widerquist, Karl. 2010 "How the Sufficiency Minimum Becomes a Social Maximum" Utilitas 22: 474-480. 6 pp.

Publisert 22. nov. 2018 12:42 - Sist endret 3. jan. 2019 09:30