Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
13.01.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel  Rom 830, Eilert Sundts hus  Introduction; IR as Discipline – American, Global or European?; Theory – Which Kind(s) and to What Purpose(s)?  Required: Schmidt (2002); Wæver (1998); Waltz (1986); Cox (1986); George (1974)

Recommended: Singer (1961); Smith (2000) 

20.01.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus  Epistemologies – Positivist, Interpretative and Critical  Required: Jackson and Sørensen (2003; chapters 8-9); Wight (2002); Van Evera (1997; chapters 1-2); Smith (1996)

Recommended: Kratochwil and Ruggie (1986); Booth, Smith, Zalewski (1996) 

27.01.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus   Rationalism and IR (I) – Realism in its Various Guises  Required: Snidal (2002); Mearsheimer (2001; chapters 1, 2); Brooks (1997); Legro and Moravcsik (1999)

Recommended: Kahler (1998); Brooks and Wohlforth (2000/2001); Kang (2003); Lake (2003) 

03.02.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus  Rationalism and IR (II) – Neoliberal Institutionalism  Required: Keohane (1984; chapters 1, 6); Keohane and Martin (1995); Martin and Simmons (1998)

Recommended: Simmons (1993); Wallander (1999); Martin and Simmons (2002) 

17.02.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus   Rationalism in IR (III) – Liberalism  Required: Doyle (1986); Matthew and Zacher (1995); Moravcsik (1997)

Recommended: Moravscik (2000) 

24.02.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus   Constructivism in IR (I) – Conventional and Modernist  Required: Adler (2002); Checkel (2004); Finnemore (1996; chapter 1); Moravcsik (1999)

Recommended: Keck and Sikkink (1998); Finnemore and Sikkink (1998); Adler and Barnett (1998) 

02.03.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus   Constructivism in IR (II) – Interpretative and Discourse Theoretic  Required: Neufield (1993); Guzzini (2000); Milliken (1999); Hopf (2002; chapter 1)

Recommended: Price (1995); Hopf (2002; chapter 2); Neumann (2003); "Symposium: Interpretivism" (2003) 

09.03.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus   Constructivism in IR (III) – Critical, Feminist and Post-Modern  Required: Price and Reus-Smit (1998); Tickner (2002); Doty (1993); Zehfuss (2002; chapter 1)

Recommended: Sylvester (1996); Laffey and Weldes (1997); Zehfuss (2002; chapter 2); "Symposium: War and Gender" (2003) 

23.03.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus  Seminar #1: Student Paper Presentations  Paper abstracts and outlines due on 9 March 
25.03.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel   Rom 210, Eilert Sundts hus  Seminar #2: Student Paper Presentations   Paper abstracts and outlines due on 9 March 
30.03.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus  Seminar #3: Discussion/Debate Topic - War and Gender  Reading to be distributed 
13.04.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus   Beyond ‘Isms’ in IR and Towards Bridge Building?  Required: Risse, Ropp, Sikkink (1999; chapter 1); Fearon and Wendt (2002); Caporaso, Checkel and Jupille (2003); Zehfuss (2002; chapter 6)

Recommended: March and Olsen (1998); Checkel and Moravcsik (2001) 

20.04.2004Jeffrey T. Checkel   Rom 1001, Eilert Sundts hus   Taking ‘Domestic Politics’ Seriously  Required: Cortell and Davis (2000); Gourevitch (2002); Hopf (2002; Chapter 6)

Recommended: Milner (1992); Cortell and Davis (1996); Milner (1998) 

Published Oct. 27, 2003 5:17 PM - Last modified Feb. 12, 2004 2:17 PM