

Required Books

Adler, Emanuel. 2002. “Constructivism and International Relations.” In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons, Editors. Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications - Chapter 5 24 pages

Bevir, Mark and R. Rhodes. 2002. “Interpretive Theory.” In David Marsh and Gerry Stoker, Editors. Theory and Methods in Political Science. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan – Pages 131-52 21 pages

Checkel, Jeffrey T. 2007. “Constructivism and EU Politics.” In Knud Erik Joergensen, Mark Pollack, Ben Rosamond, Editors. Handbook of European Union Politics. London: Sage Publications 30 pages

Cox, Robert. 1986. “Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory.” In Robert Keohane, Editor. Neorealism and Its Critics. NY: Columbia University Press – Chapter 8 50 pages

Fearon, James and Alexander Wendt. 2002. “Rationalism v. Constructivism: A Skeptical View.” In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons, Editors. Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications - Chapter 3 21 pages

George, Alexander. 1974. “Theory for Policy in International Relations.” In Alexander George. Deterrence in American Foreign Policy: Theory and Practice. NY: Columbia University Press - Appendix 26 pages

Gourevitch, Peter. 2002. “Domestic Politics and International Relations.” In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons, Editors. Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications - Chapter 16 19 pages

Hopf, Ted. 2002. Social Construction of International Politics: Identities and Foreign Policies, Moscow, 1955 and 1999. Ithaca: Cornell University Press – Chapters 1, 6 76 pages

Jackson, Robert and Georg Sørensen. 2003. Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press - Chapters 8, 9 40 pages

Keohane, Robert. 1984. After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press – Chapters 1, 6 37 pages

Marsh, David and Paul Furlong. 2002. “A Skin not a Sweater: Ontology and Epistemology in Political Science.” In David Marsh and Gerry Stoker, Editors. Theory and Methods in Political Science. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan – Pages 17-41 25 pages

Matthew, Richard and Mark Zacher. 1995. “Liberal International Theory: Common Threads, Divergent Strands.” In Charles Kegley, Editor. Controversies in International Relations Theory: Realism and the Neoliberal Challenge. NY: St. Martin’s Press – Chapter 5 43 pages

Mearsheimer, John. 2001. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. NY: W.W. Norton – Chapter 2 26 pages

Risse, Thomas, Stephen Ropp and Kathryn Sikkink, Editors. 1999. The Power of Human Rights: International Norms and Domestic Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press - Chapter 1 38 pages

Schmidt, Brian. 2002. “On the History and Historiography of International Relations.” In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons, Editors. Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications - Chapter 1 19 pages

Smith, Steve. 1996. “Positivism and Beyond.” In Ken Booth, Steve Smith and Marysia Zalewski, Editors. International Theory: Positivism and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press – Chapter 1 36 pages

Snidal, Duncan. 2002. “Rational Choice and International Relations.” In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons, Editors. Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications - Chapter 4 22 pages

Tickner, J. Ann. 2002. “Feminist Perspectives on International Relations.” In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons, Editors. Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications - Chapter 14 16 pages

Van Evera, Stephen. 1997. Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science. Ithaca: Cornell University Press - Chapters 1, 2 82 pages

Waltz, Kenneth. 1986. “Laws and Theories.” In Robert Keohane, Editor. Neorealism and Its Critics. NY: Columbia University Press – Chapter 2 19 pages

Wight, Colin. 2002. Philosophy of Science and International Relations.” In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons, Editors. Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications - Chapter 2 29 pages

Zehfuss, Maja. 2002. Constructivism in International Relations: The Politics of Reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press – Chapters 1, 6 50 pages

Required Articles

Brooks, S. 1997. “Dueling Realisms.” International Organization 51 (Summer) 32 pages

Caporaso, James, Jeffrey T. Checkel and Joseph Jupille. 2003. “Integrating Institutions: Rationalism, Constructivism and the Study of the European Union – Introduction.” Comparative Political Studies 36 (February-March): 7-40 33 pages

Doty, Roxanne Lynn. 1993. “Foreign Policy as Social Construction: A Post-Positivist Analysis of US Counterinsurgency Policy in the Philippines.” International Studies Quarterly 37: 297-320 23 pages

Doyle, Michael. 1986. “Liberalism and World Politics.” American Political Science Review 80 (December) 18 pages

Guzzini, Stefano. 2000. “A Reconstruction of Constructivism in International Relations.” European Journal of International Relations 6 (June) 35 pages

Keohane, Robert and Lisa Martin. 1995. “The Promise of Institutionalist Theory.” International Security 20 (Summer) 12 pages

Legro, Jeff and Andrew Moravcsik. 1999. “Is Anybody Still a Realist?” International Security 24 (Fall) 50 pages

Martin, Lisa and Beth Simmons. 1998. "Theories and Empirical Studies of International Institutions." International Organization 52 (Autumn) 29 pages

Milliken, Jennifer. 1999. “The Study of Discourse in International Relations: A Critique of Research and Methods.” European Journal of International Relations 5 (June) 30 pages

Moravcsik, Andrew. 1997. “Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics.” International Organization 51 (Autumn) 41 pages

Neufield, Mark. 1993. “Interpretation and the ‘Science’ of International Relations.” Review of International Studies 19: 39-61 22 pages

Price, Richard. 1995. “A Genealogy of the Chemical Weapons Taboo.” International Organization 49 (Winter): 73-104 31 pages

Price, Richard and Christian Reus Smit. 1998. “Dangerous Liaisons? Critical International Theory and Constructivism.” European Journal of International Relations 4 (September) 35 pages

“Symposium: War and Gender.” 2003. Perspectives on Politics 1 (June): 327-48 21 pages

Wæver, Ole. 1998. “The Sociology of a Not So International Discipline: American and European Developments in International Relations.” International Organization 52 (Autumn) 41 pages

Total Required Reading 1202 pages

Recommended Books

Acharya, Amitav and Alastair Iain Johnston, Editors. 2007. Crafting Cooperation: Regional International Institutions in Comparative Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Adler, Emanuel and Michael Barnett, Editors. 1998. Security Communities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Booth, Ken, Steve Smith and Marysia Zalewski, Editors. 1996. International Theory: Positivism and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Finnemore, Martha. 1996. National Interests in International Society. Ithaca: Cornell University Press

Goldstein, Joshua. 2001. War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Hansen, Lene. 2006. Security as Practice: Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War. London: Routledge Publishers

Keck, Margaret and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press

Kelley, Judith. 2004. Ethnic Politics in Europe: The Power of Norms and Incentives. Princeton: Princeton University Press

Klotz, Audie and Cecelia Lynch. 2007. Strategies for Research in Constructivist International Relations. NY: M.E. Sharpe

Klotz, Audie, Editor. 2008. Qualitative Methods in International Relations: A Pluralist Guide. NY: Palgrave Macmillan

Martin, Lisa and Beth Simmons. 2002. “International Organizations and Institutions.” In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth Simmons, Editors. Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage Publications – Chapter 10

Monroe, Kristen, Editor. 2005. Perestroika! The Raucous Rebellion in Political Science. New Haven: Yale University Press

Sylvester, Christine. 1996. “The Contributions of Feminist Theory to International Relations.” In Ken Booth, Steve Smith and Marysia Zalewski, Editors. International Theory: Positivism and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press – Chapter 12

Wallander, Celeste. 1999. Mortal Friends, Best Enemies: German-Russian Cooperation after the Cold War. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press

Recommended Articles

Brooks, Stephen and William Wohlforth. 2000/2001. “Power, Globalization and the End of the Cold War: Reevaluating a Landmark Case for Ideas.” International Security 25 (Winter)

Burgos, Russell. 2004. “An N of 1: A Political Scientist in Operation Iraqi Freedom.” Perspectives on Politics 2 (September): 551-56

Callahan, William. 2003. “Beyond Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism: Diasporic Chinese and Neo-Nationalism in China and Thailand.” International Organization 57 (Summer)

Caprioli, Mary. 2004. “Feminist IR Theory and Quantitative Methodology: A Critical Analysis.” International Studies Review 6 (June): 253-69

Carpenter, R. Charli. 2003. “’Women and Children First’: Gender, Norms and Humanitarian Intervention in the Balkans, 1991-95.” International Organization 57 (Fall): 661-94

Checkel, Jeffrey T. and Andrew Moravcsik. 2001. “A Constructivist Research Program in EU Studies? (Forum Debate).” European Union Politics 2: 219-49

Cortell, Andrew and James Davis. 1996. "How do International Institutions Matter? The Domestic Impact of International Rules and Norms." International Studies Quarterly 40 (December)

-------. 2000. “Understanding the Domestic Impact of International Norms: A Research Agenda.” International Studies Review 2 (Spring)

De Volo, Lorraine Bayard and Edward Schatz. 2004. “From the Inside Out: Ethnographic Methods in Political Research.” PS: Political Science and Politics 37 (April)

Finnemore, Martha and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. "International Norm Dynamics and Political Change." International Organization 52 (Autumn)

“Forum: Gender and International Relations.” 2003. International Studies Review 5 (June): 287-302

Hurrell, Andrew. 2004. “America and the World: Issues in the Teaching of US Foreign Policy.” Perspectives on Politics 2 (March)

Johnson, James. 2006. “Consequences of Positivism: A Pragmatist Assessment.” Comparative Political Studies 39 (March): 224-52

Kahler, Miles. 1998. “Rationality in International Relations.” International Organization 52 (Autumn)

Kang, David. 2003. “Getting Asia Wrong: The Need for New Analytical Frameworks.” International Security 27 (Spring): 57-85

Kratochwil, Friedrich and John Gerard Ruggie. 1986. “International Organization: A State of the Art on an Art of the State.” International Organization 40 (Autumn)

Laffey, Mark and Jutta Weldes. 1997. “Beyond Belief: Ideas and Symbolic Technologies in the Study of International Relations.” European Journal of International Relations 3 (June)

Lake, David. 2003. “The New Sovereignty in International Relations.” International Studies Review 5 (September): 303-23

Lewis, Jeffrey. 2005. “The Janus Face of Brussels: Socialization and Everyday Decision-Making in the European Union.” International Organization 59 (Fall)

March, James G. and Johan P. Olsen. 1998. “The Institutional Dynamics of International Political Orders.” International Organization 52 (Autumn)

Milner, Helen. 1992. “International Theories of Cooperation Among Nations: Strengths and Weaknesses (A Review Essay).” World Politics 44 (April)

-------. 1998. “Rationalizing Politics: The Emerging Synthesis of International, American and Comparative Politics.” International Organization 52 (Autumn)

Moravcsik, Andrew. 1999. “Is Something Rotten in the State of Denmark? Constructivism and European Integration.” Journal of European Public Policy 6: 669-81

-------. 2000. “The Origins of Human Rights Regimes: Democratic Delegation in Postwar Europe.” International Organization 54 (Spring): 217-252

Mueller, Harald. 2004. “Arguing, Bargaining and All That: Communicative Action, Rationalist Theory and the Logic of Appropriateness in International Relations.” European Journal of International Relations 10 (September)

Shain, Yossi and Aharon Barth. 2003. “Diasporas and International Relations Theory.” International Organization 57 (Summer)

Simmons, Beth. 1993. “Why Innovate? Founding the Bank for International Settlements.” World Politics 45 (April)

Singer, J. David. 1961. "The Level-of-Analysis Problem in International Relations." World Politics 14: 77-92

Smith, Steve. 2000. “The Discipline of International Relations: Still an American Social Science?” British Journal of Politics and International Relations 2 (October): 374-402

“Symposium: Interpretivism.” 2003. Qualitative Methods – Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section on Qualitative Methods 1 (Fall): 2-28

“Symposium: Discourse and Content Analysis.” 2004. Qualitative Methods: Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section on Qualitative Methods 2 (Spring): 15-39

Williams, Michael. 2004. “Why Ideas Matter in International Relations: Hans Morgenthau, Classical Realism, and the Moral Construction of Power Politics.” International Organization 58 (Fall): 633-65

Published May 23, 2008 4:11 PM - Last modified May 23, 2008 5:32 PM