Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
21.01.2005Janne Haaland Matlary  Rom 847 Eilert Sundts hus  1. Post Cold War Security: New Threats, New Architecture?  Required: Buzan, B. and Wæver,2004; Matlary (2002), Recommended: Buzan (1991) Gartner, H. (2000)  
28.01.2005Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847 Eilert Sundts hus   2. Security Policy Paradigm Change?  Required: Katzenstein, P (1996); Singer, (2001), US Security Policy Strategy Recommended: Harris, J (1995)  
04.02.2005Lt. General Sverre Diesen  Rom 847 Eilert Sundts hus   3. The Military Paradigm Shift  Required: Diesen (2004a and b; for non-Norwegian speakers, Moskos, C. (ed.) Chs. 1,2 and 3); Krahmann (2003a) Recommended: The Further Modernisation of the Armed Forces, 2005-2008, Norwegian Ministry of Defence, 2004, Krahmann, 2003b, Ulriksen, 2004, Yost, 2004 
18.02.2005Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847 Eilert Sundts hus  4. Theoretical Appoaches to Security Policy   Required Buzan and Wæver, 2003; Mastanduno, M. (1997); Muller, H. (1993); Waltz, K. N. (1993); Baldwin, D. (1995) Recommended: Buzan (1991); Finnemore (1996); other articles in the Katzenstein volume 
25.02.2005Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847 Eilert Sundts hus   5. NATO: Territorial Defence and Out-of –Area Tasks   Required: Yost, D. (1998), Wallander,(2000); NATO’s Strategic Concept (1999) Recommended: Menon, A. (2000); Gann, L.H. and Duignan, P. (1998), for a general historical analysis 
04.03.2005Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847 Eilert Sundts hus   6. The EU: Independent Europan Security Actor?  Required: Cameron and Quille (2004),Krahmann, 2003a; Matlary, (2002, ch. 6), Maull, (2000), Howorth (2000), Yost (2003) Recommended: Gartner, H. Et al (eds.) (2000), the part on ”European Security”; Menon, A. (2000), Penksa and Mason (2003), Ulriksen et al (2003), Quille (2004) 
11.03.2005Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847 Eilert Sundts hus   7. The UN: The Changing Role of the Security Council   Required: Roberts, A. (2002); Matlary (2002, chts. 8,9), Recommended: Smith, H.J. (1999); Fox, G.H. (1997) 
18.03.2005Janne Haaland Matlary  Rom 847 Eilert Sundts hus   8. Cases: Bosnia under Dayton; The Kosovo Intervention   Required: Matlary, (2002), ch. 8,9 Recommended: Relevant parts of Woodward; S. (1995); International Crisis Group (1999)  
01.04.2005Morten B. Mærli  Rom 847 Eilert Sundts hus   WMDs, prospects for proliferation and use by states and non-state actors  Mærli (2000), recommended Mærli (2003a og 2003b) 
15.04.2005Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847 Eilert Sundts hus   10. Caucasian Conflicts; Russia’s Role -  Required: Jaffe, A. M and Manning, R.A. (1999); Recommended: Arbatov, A. (1998),Lapidus, G. (1998);  
22.04.2005Janne Haaland Matlary   Foreign Office or Storting Foreign Policy Committee  11. Seminar (visit to Foreign Office or Storting Foreign Policy Committee)   
29.04.2005Janne Haaland Matlary   Rom 847 Eilert Sundts hus   12. Summary   
Published Nov. 22, 2004 3:36 PM - Last modified Apr. 4, 2005 4:01 PM